Dec 2013 Babies



  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    bangemup57 said:
    Update Alert - I found out Thursday that I am having a boy!!! Me and hubby are so thrilled :)

    Congrats! How exciting for you and your husband!! :)

    I just found out yesterday that I am having a girl! That makes four girls and four boys for us -- a nice even split! :) To announce the gender to the kids, we bought a stuffed animal and wrapped it up in tissue paper in a multi-colored gift bag. We told them that if we were having a boy the doll would be blue, and if we were having a girl it would be pink. Then we let our youngest open it up! It made the reveal really thrilling for the kids, and even our youngest (who is 5 and really wanted a boy) was thrilled and jumping around with excitement.
    Flybeetle said:
    I haven't bought much baby stuff other than a ergo baby carrier and clothes...lots of second hand, organic stuff except for under clothes, they're all new :)

    Ooh, little kicks all the time!

    The only thing I've bought so far is a mesh water ring sling. I have been spending a lot of time on Etsy planning all the things I'm going to buy soon, though! :) I just have to wait until after the benefit my husband is throwing for muscular dystrophy in August. We have to make sure all the costs for that are covered before I can start spending on baby stuff. Also, yay for little kicks! I'm FINALLY feeling them, after being jealous of everyone else feeling them for weeks now!
    Jem411 said:
    So funny thing happened yesterday, I got sick! I haven't been sick for well over a month! I felt fine most of the day, made my son some pizza (and of course took a bite of it). After that I was instantly nauseous and ended up getting sick. I was fine after about an hour or so. I really think the grease didn't agree with the baby or something. After that I couldn't even see a pizza commercial without thinking I was going to lose it! ha! Totally strange too, I absolutely love pizza! ...

    Hahah, right! I had someone tell me the other day that M/S is a sign of a strong pregnancy...okie dokie, lol. Made me feel a little better.

    LOL. I have to admit that I was worried about having so little sickness with this pregnancy, but so far so good. I hope you feel better soon!
    Flybeetle said:
    This week I have all of a sudden started to feel like I have a cold at the end of every day. Not sure whether I actually have one or whether it's pregnancy-related! I jump out of bed fresh as anything in the morning and then buckle late afternoon. Wish I could have a nap every day!

    Aw, that's tough! I'm definitely feeling pretty wiped out by mid-afternoon. My husband said the other day that he feels guilty making me go to bed at 9 so he can get up early, and I was like, really? I'd be happy if we went to bed at 6! I only stay up so we can spend some time together in the evening!
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    What a creative way of telling your other kids, Michelle:) and now you're even, girls and boys...sweet...

    And so glad that you can now enjoy your baby's kicks as well, Michelle, I think nothing else is as entertaining as tuning into my baby these days. Getting very distracted, caught myself putting my toothbrush in the fridge...ahem.

    I have been thinking of buying a ring sling for water as well! You've convinced me!

    And good luck with the benefit, what an amazing thing to do...

    How sweet of your husband to worry about your bedtime :) I'm luckily feeling better this week but I stil love going to bed early too!
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    Getting very distracted, caught myself putting my toothbrush in the fridge...ahem.

    Haha...I do this all the time too. Yesterday I put the cheese away in the baking cabinet instead of the fridge. Fortunately I caught it before I left for work... I wonder what other items I'll find in weird places?
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Haha...I do this all the time too. Yesterday I put the cheese away in the baking cabinet instead of the fridge. Fortunately I caught it before I left for work... I wonder what other items I'll find in weird places?

    :) Awesome :) I just worry I will walk out one day without my pants on or something... I wouldn't put it past me.
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    Well we found out on Wednesday that we are having another BOY! I was shocked. I really thought this one was a girl, given my skin is awful and I am completely spreading/widening instead of "really" showing. I definitly have a bump but it has a lot of room, as my hips have given way, lol. Darn it. Why can't I be one of those adorable women that stays thin in the hips/thighs and just looks like she swallowed a beach ball?

    I guess I will take it! I am so excited to have my gang of boys, I must say! Now it's time for all of the organizing. I saved all of my son's stuff (and they are pretty close in season), so we will be able to use everything. Lots of laundry and sanitizing is in my future!

    So need a little help: We are between William and Max.. Can't decide and can't find a middle name to go with either. Any ideas are much appreciated!

  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Well we found out on Wednesday that we are having another BOY!

    So need a little help: We are between William and Max.. Can't decide and can't find a middle name to go with either. Any ideas are much appreciated!


    Congratulations! How exciting :) and yes, I like that beach ball idea... I am small but have womanly hips. Ah well.. I guess it looks more "motherly" ;)

    I love both those names! I really, really like Max, big fan! It is a strong name yet cute and playful too! I have a problem with living in Australia, all names get either shortened or lengthened so I have to take that into consideration with EVERY name! Max would be Maxy, William would be Will or... Yes, Willie. Tom becomes Tommo, etc. Bit frustrating people don't leave names alone here!
    Anyway, I'm hesitant to advise on middle names, it's so personal. But definitely love the name MAX!

    We're finding out today whether we're having a boy or girl!!!!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Gonna jump in with you guys since I'm on the cusp of Jan and Dec. Kind of hoping for a December baby just for old Uncle Sam and tax day...sigh I know terrible. However, my goal is for healthy baby.

    Plus to be an awesome Saggi like his/her Momma, LOL!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Getting very distracted, caught myself putting my toothbrush in the fridge...ahem.

    Haha...I do this all the time too. Yesterday I put the cheese away in the baking cabinet instead of the fridge. Fortunately I caught it before I left for work... I wonder what other items I'll find in weird places?

    Oh I've done this twice I put the dirty knife in the meat drawer and the cheese in the dishwasher or I've thrown away a tub of yogurt instead of putting it in the fridge.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Well we found out on Wednesday that we are having another BOY! I was shocked. I really thought this one was a girl, given my skin is awful and I am completely spreading/widening instead of "really" showing. I definitly have a bump but it has a lot of room, as my hips have given way, lol. Darn it. Why can't I be one of those adorable women that stays thin in the hips/thighs and just looks like she swallowed a beach ball?

    I guess I will take it! I am so excited to have my gang of boys, I must say! Now it's time for all of the organizing. I saved all of my son's stuff (and they are pretty close in season), so we will be able to use everything. Lots of laundry and sanitizing is in my future!

    So need a little help: We are between William and Max.. Can't decide and can't find a middle name to go with either. Any ideas are much appreciated!


    Without giving out the last name what does it start with or kind of sound like. I prefer William just because it's an old distingued name, and will carry him throughout life. It can be shortened too. MIddle names I would go with family members or you can go like William David, William Sean, William Paul, or William DeFoe (no just kidding) :smile:

    If I can talk the BF in it for a boy I like the names Kyle (my Grandpa) or George (my Great Grandpa). Not exactly sure on the girl's names I might let him pick it out as he named his daughter a lovely name.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Gonna jump in with you guys since I'm on the cusp of Jan and Dec. Kind of hoping for a December baby just for old Uncle Sam and tax day...sigh I know terrible. However, my goal is for healthy baby.

    Plus to be an awesome Saggi like his/her Momma, LOL!

    Yes, I am hoping for a Sagittarius as well! I am a Capricorn myself with moon sign Sagittarius and I prefer my happy, positive side over my serious, introverted side much more! Come on early December....!!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It's a boy!!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    It's a boy!!

    Congrats!! Were you thinking it was one or the other?

    We're both convinced it's a boy but not finding out. I have an ultrasound in a couple hours and it'll be hard not to peek!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It's a boy!!

    Congrats!! Were you thinking it was one or the other?

    We're both convinced it's a boy but not finding out. I have an ultrasound in a couple hours and it'll be hard not to peek!

    I had an inkling it was a boy based off of nothing, but just thinking. Let us know how it goes...praying for healthy.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    It's a boy!!

    Congrats!! Were you thinking it was one or the other?

    We're both convinced it's a boy but not finding out. I have an ultrasound in a couple hours and it'll be hard not to peek!

    I had an inkling it was a boy based off of nothing, but just thinking. Let us know how it goes...praying for healthy.

    Mine was good....just a run of the mill one to check the position of the baby (which was normal). Got a few great face shots though. Tomorrow is the glucose test as well as a bunch of 3rd trimester stuff...just blood draws for iron, thyroid, and lord only knows what else.
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Congrats!!!! Idrosophila!!!
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    Hello everyone! I am currently 26 weeks I found out in July I am having my third and final BOY. I am expecting to have a hysterectomy following the birth, so we were excited either way. I have continued to run and work out as normal. I am at a weight gain of 8 pounds currently, but I feel like ive gained 40 pounds of fat lol We decided on the name Avery Elliot so far, looks like alot of you are having boys, either way congrats!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    How are the Christmas babies doing?
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Well it seems my Dec baby (due 12-6) may actually be a Thanksgiving baby! Either way, I'll take it.

    Doing well. Nursery is almost ready...just waiting for the glider chair to come in so I can decide on final furniture placement. We have a lot of what we'll need for those first couple months--I think.

    Momma is still feeling great....exercising on the days I don't teach (because herding 26 middle school kids for 7+ hrs a day counts as exercise when you're 34 weeks pregnant!). Weight gain has stalled since I started spacing my carbs in accordance to my gestational diabetes control plan. Life is good :)

    I have an OB check up today and hope to get my breast pump issues settled....for some reason this has been way more difficult than it should be! My insurance covers it (double electric) but I have to be referred to an in-network supplier. So I'm told. Last time I called they said I just need a prescription for it, but that got me nowhere. Ugh!

    The only "complaint" I have is that it's unseasonably cold outside and I haven't bought any winter maternity clothes...and I got rid of all my "fat clothes" long ago so I'm left wearing my husbands winter coat. Yes, that makes me feel supremely attractive. lol.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Well it seems my Dec baby (due 12-6) may actually be a Thanksgiving baby! Either way, I'll take it.

    Doing well. Nursery is almost ready...just waiting for the glider chair to come in so I can decide on final furniture placement. We have a lot of what we'll need for those first couple months--I think.

    Momma is still feeling great....exercising on the days I don't teach (because herding 26 middle school kids for 7+ hrs a day counts as exercise when you're 34 weeks pregnant!). Weight gain has stalled since I started spacing my carbs in accordance to my gestational diabetes control plan. Life is good :)

    I have an OB check up today and hope to get my breast pump issues settled....for some reason this has been way more difficult than it should be! My insurance covers it (double electric) but I have to be referred to an in-network supplier. So I'm told. Last time I called they said I just need a prescription for it, but that got me nowhere. Ugh!

    The only "complaint" I have is that it's unseasonably cold outside and I haven't bought any winter maternity clothes...and I got rid of all my "fat clothes" long ago so I'm left wearing my husbands winter coat. Yes, that makes me feel supremely attractive. lol.

    oh youre much more organized then I am. The man isnt really involved in getting much read, and he's starting a new job so he'll be even more removed. We have a side sleeper with no real mattress for the baby, some clothes, and some diapers. I'm just so exhausted dont feel like doing anything nor do I have the excitement yet. still seems unreal. :frown:
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Well it seems my Dec baby (due 12-6) may actually be a Thanksgiving baby! Either way, I'll take it.

    Doing well. Nursery is almost ready...just waiting for the glider chair to come in so I can decide on final furniture placement. We have a lot of what we'll need for those first couple months--I think.

    Momma is still feeling great....exercising on the days I don't teach (because herding 26 middle school kids for 7+ hrs a day counts as exercise when you're 34 weeks pregnant!). Weight gain has stalled since I started spacing my carbs in accordance to my gestational diabetes control plan. Life is good :)

    I have an OB check up today and hope to get my breast pump issues settled....for some reason this has been way more difficult than it should be! My insurance covers it (double electric) but I have to be referred to an in-network supplier. So I'm told. Last time I called they said I just need a prescription for it, but that got me nowhere. Ugh!

    The only "complaint" I have is that it's unseasonably cold outside and I haven't bought any winter maternity clothes...and I got rid of all my "fat clothes" long ago so I'm left wearing my husbands winter coat. Yes, that makes me feel supremely attractive. lol.

    oh youre much more organized then I am. The man isnt really involved in getting much read, and he's starting a new job so he'll be even more removed. We have a side sleeper with no real mattress for the baby, some clothes, and some diapers. I'm just so exhausted dont feel like doing anything nor do I have the excitement yet. still seems unreal. :frown:

    Suddenly, everything will come together. I was totally not in "baby mode" until my doctor told me it'll likely be a Nov baby and I started doing weekly appointments. Prior to that, I had ZERO interest in anything baby. Honestly, I turned a corner when my Aunt sent me the most adorable Minnetonka baby shoes ever. I'm totally practical and suddenly my mind shifted from "Babies don't walk, they don't need shoes" to "OMG I'm going to be a mom!". It was seriously like a switch got turned on. It'll happen for you too!!