Hello! New to the group!

I'm encouraged by what there is to read in this group. I go in for gastric bypass on April 23,2013. Excited, a bit anxious and nervous as well. What is the best advice you can give going into the surgery and the first few weeks?


  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    There's not much you can do about the surgery itself. Just do what they tell you and take it easy. As soon as you can, start walking and walk some more. Walking is great, lifting not so much. Keep water with you and sip, even if you don't want to. As soon as they tell you it's ok, of course. Sugar free popsicles will be your friend for a while. Stock up. Got your chewable vitamins and calcium? Found a protein drink you like?

    And let us know how you are doing after surgery. I'm sure you'll do great.
  • atakins
    atakins Posts: 32 Member
    I can't say it any better than Grim already did; I might add not to be shy about telling the nurses and Dr.s if you're in any pain.

    Let us know how you're doing after!
  • 51teresa
    51teresa Posts: 4 Member
    Practice what you were told by the nutritionist before surgery, it really helps. Like eat protein first, do not drink with meals. Find yourself a clear liquid, low volume and high protein source for the first 3 days. I like GNC products. After surgery get up in a chair as soon as you can and as soon as you are awake enough WALK with help. Since it is spring time find a level route to walk outdoors. Always take a water bottle and sip frequently. :smile: