All I Can Think About is Red Velvet Poptarts! Help asap!

skylarloses Posts: 12 Member
So for the past couple of hours I have had this insane craving for a Red Velvet Cupcake flavored Pop tart. Luckily I don't have any in the house, but I have sat here and contemplated going to the store and buying a box of them. I would like think that I could go to the store and buy a box and have just one of the poptarts from the pack and satisfy my craving while still staying within calorie goal and moderation, but my last binge was 2 boxes of pop tarts that I ate in 1 evening. I am so scared that if I try to satisfy this craving then I will end up bingeing on the whole box of pop tarts. Does anybody have any help or advice on how I can make this craving go away and avoid the binge?


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Buy box, take one out, ditch rest of box before you get home. Wasteful of money, but you get your poptart and avoid the binge.
    Alternatively, go and eat a few hard boiled eggs and a piece of fruit, or have a hot drink and try and kill the craving another way.
  • coming on here was a good idea, distract yourself. read some posts, get motivated. drink lots of water. hot drinks help.

    eat protien.

    hang in there my dear and tell binge monster to SUCK IT! ;-)