Hello ! New Member Body Revolution Day 1 Week 2!!

My name is Lisa...quick intro!! i will be 40 in a month ahhhhh!! and dont want to hit 40 in this body!! I have 2 kids 11 yr old boy and 4 yr old girl, I Run a home daycare starting 6 am and ending 6pm.... no lunch breaks with a house of all ages! So with this job, my own kids extra curricular stuff I always make time for... but never time for excersise. The bordom of being at home ( even hectic days with 5, 4 year old and under gets "boring") I find myself snacking all day! I gain and lose about 20 lbs every year, i have PCOS and full on apple figure!! skinny arms and legs big belly!! people always think im pregnant! ( you would think that people would know better than to ask these days!!) I currently weigh 170 ( down 5 from week one of Jillian Micheals BR) this time i am hoping not to sabitage myself within a few lbs of my goal which is 140 lbs ( i am 5 ' 6")..

Thanks for this group, I have already read alot of posts and find you all so encouraging!

DISCLAIMER: I Really SUCK at keeping up with replying to or commenting on posts or using proper grammer and punctuation as I usually have about 2 min at a time!! So thank you all in advance for understanding LOL!!