The Orange Team Loft !



  • debk68
    debk68 Posts: 140 Member
    marci- you should have done squats in front of the customer! That would have been funny!:noway:

    I did 100 squats yesterday. And Zumba. I love zumba, and I am sooo bad at it:tongue: I think it is much more fun to go to the class than it is to do it with the Wii.

    For my new I tried a couch to 5 k today. Downloaded the App on my Ipad. You were supposed to run for 2 minute intervals. i could only do 1, but it was day one. AND I ran in public :embarassed:

    I did do 60 additional minutes on the elliptical. Watched Ellen, she had my future husband on, Jon Bon Jovi, I am already happily married, but maybe when I get to my goal weight...:bigsmile:

    Going to work on squats after dinner.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    I got 60 squats in today. Was waiting to see if we did any in Kickboxing but again we didnt!! But it was a killer class tonight I had a bad food day!! I snacked a lot today.... Did anyone else struggle with anything today?? I know I need to eat earlier inthe day.

    Nice job on your squats Deb. And WAY TO GO for having the courage to run in public! That is very hard to over come... some days i can get past it and put in my C25K and others days my mind gets the better of me and I only walk cause there is people in the park that might laugh. :embarassed:

    Reminder to self... i have to steal the kids wii and check out zumba ;) I do You Tube Shawn T's Hip hop abs for my wednesday workout some days. i alternate between that and Insanity.

    SO I have been looking thru peoples food logs and I see a lot of powders and shakes and bars... I dont do any of that stuff, do you think I will have long term success without adding these types of things to my diet?
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    Ohhh and just a quick look at the spreadsheet we are behind the purple team for week 0 but only by a tiny bit!

    Lets try to pull ahead this week! We want them all to be chasing the oranges! lol

    Good night all and Good Luck!
  • drizzy_obsessed04
    drizzy_obsessed04 Posts: 26 Member
    hey guys. i dunno why, but when i signed up for this.. i could have sworn it said it started on the 25just been not paying attention to this challenge. my bad. but now it is onnnn. the only things im going to struggle with are the cooking challenges because i have no idea how to cook unless i heat it up in the microwave, but i will work on that!!!
  • Itsdevo
    Itsdevo Posts: 29 Member
    I"m glad I got involved in this group. I think it has motivated me to actually work out to a couple of workout dvd's I have. I have been adding my information on the spreadsheet, and so for this week my "something new" was the workout dvd's. :). I did two this evening... one was a hiphop dance mix, and the other one was part one of jillian michael's 30 day shred. I think I might keep up that 30 day shred thing for a while! Tomorrow, I hope to accomplish a rerun of the Jillian Michaels video, and then an hour on the treadmill. I also put a recipe on the recipes thread but it's kale and not fish since I don't eat meat :)
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    hey guys. i dunno why, but when i signed up for this.. i could have sworn it said it started on the 25just been not paying attention to this challenge. my bad. but now it is onnnn. the only things im going to struggle with are the cooking challenges because i have no idea how to cook unless i heat it up in the microwave, but i will work on that!!!

    how about tuna wraps or tuna salad :-) - of course i mean tinned tuna :-))
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    I have never heard about kale ... it's shame you don't live closer ... I would try it :-))) but there is no way I will go to shop and buy it and make it :-D I am on 30 day shred - and it is killing me :-D ... I am going to go to work on bike ... I was postponing this for long enough :-))

    My stats for yesterday day 2

    1. 2 days done
    2. something new (nothing special yesterday )
    3. squats 110 done ...240 to do :-)
    4. fish - yes Tuna Bistro box from Work ( )
    5. recipe - not yet ;) ...
    I"m glad I got involved in this group. I think it has motivated me to actually work out to a couple of workout dvd's I have. I have been adding my information on the spreadsheet, and so for this week my "something new" was the workout dvd's. :). I did two this evening... one was a hiphop dance mix, and the other one was part one of jillian michael's 30 day shred. I think I might keep up that 30 day shred thing for a while! Tomorrow, I hope to accomplish a rerun of the Jillian Michaels video, and then an hour on the treadmill. I also put a recipe on the recipes thread but it's kale and not fish since I don't eat meat :)
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey Everyone! My name is Angie. I am 29 years old and have 4 kids. I started my journey in November 2012 at 217 and am now at 182.
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    I too will struggle with the cooking challenges... So we can work on that together!! :wink: ONE TEAM!!!

    I pushed hard and did another 40 sqats last night after I posted my last comment, so I am not behind for the week anymore... Since I dont have Kickboxing tonight. I think i will add 100 more into my training tonight and then be ahead and still be able to take my sunday rest day! Been really good the last two days on my water... made it to 8 glasses both days... already had 2 today so I am well on my way to hitting target today too!

    I wanted to tell all you wonderful Oranges I am proud of all of you for taking this challenge!! Changing your life isnt an easy thing to do, so pat yourselves on the back for taking the first steps.

    I been on my journey for coming up on a year in July. As you can see I have only lost 20# in that year and have lagged on my logging several times. My eating falters some days too... but I have gotten to where I dont beat my self up for falling short one or two days. I just pick myself back up and look forward, forget about the previous days mishaps and make a plan for better sucess.

    Being on the forums and gathering new supportive freinds has helped a lot over the last 40 days. I love all MFP freinds and am so glad we have each other to keep us accountable. I know I have done better since I started the biggest Loser group... since I know i have folks "watching me."

    Anyways. I am done with my gushing and will get back to work! Have a great day all my fellow Oranges!!!
    and stay strong!! :flowerforyou:
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    I love your commitment ;) . I am one of biggest jojo dieter I know . I was on MFP last year and lost simelar weight I am on now . 72(2.3 kg still to do ) kg is sort of brig wall i usually loose focus and from august - december when i come back i was on my biggest 92kg!!!! now i am down to 74,4 comming closer and closser towards my brig wall and this was one of reason starting this challenge . I tend to do better when i am in small group and compiting
    This challenge is perfect for me as we have only 9 people so we can really get to know each other and push each other to better result

    Come on oranges - we have winner in our group !!!

    Yesterday I still didn't take my bike ;( but I walked home !!! 5.6 km + shopping I was home in 75 minutes

    1yes I done 3 days but I will keep working ;)
    2 no I didn't do anything new
    3 I done only 40 squats I am on 150 so 200 to do
    4 I had spaghetti with tuna for lunch and on way home got massive craving for smoked Macrell so I had fish 3 x already
    5 yes I posted recipe for my lunch
    I too will struggle with the cooking challenges... So we can work on that together!! :wink: ONE TEAM!!!

    I pushed hard and did another 40 sqats last night after I posted my last comment, so I am not behind for the week anymore... Since I dont have Kickboxing tonight. I think i will add 100 more into my training tonight and then be ahead and still be able to take my sunday rest day! Been really good the last two days on my water... made it to 8 glasses both days... already had 2 today so I am well on my way to hitting target today too!

    I wanted to tell all you wonderful Oranges I am proud of all of you for taking this challenge!! Changing your life isnt an easy thing to do, so pat yourselves on the back for taking the first steps.

    I been on my journey for coming up on a year in July. As you can see I have only lost 20# in that year and have lagged on my logging several times. My eating falters some days too... but I have gotten to where I dont beat my self up for falling short one or two days. I just pick myself back up and look forward, forget about the previous days mishaps and make a plan for better sucess.

    Being on the forums and gathering new supportive freinds has helped a lot over the last 40 days. I love all MFP freinds and am so glad we have each other to keep us accountable. I know I have done better since I started the biggest Loser group... since I know i have folks "watching me."

    Anyways. I am done with my gushing and will get back to work! Have a great day all my fellow Oranges!!!
    and stay strong!! :flowerforyou:
  • Itsdevo
    Itsdevo Posts: 29 Member
    @marcelka77: Kale is I believe one of those "superfoods" with lots of vitamins and nutrients. ..and it's TASTY!!!

    Now, I have a question for you: since I am a vegetarian, I would like to know how I can qualify for the meals that could earn me a bonus lb.

    I have a suggested idea: Since the Omega 3's in fish are a major health benefit of fish, I would like to propose two meals that include omega-3 fatty acids as a highlight. This could include:

    -olive, sesame, soybean, flax, canola and/or their oils
    -most seeds
    less omega 3's but still in the game:
    -winter squash, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower.

    I simply cannot eat "anything that had a face", as John Lennon once put it :-).

    So, if you would accept two meals with Omega-3 fatty acid based oils then I would greatly appreciate it! I am not very far from my goal weight so it is those bonus lbs that will help me a great deal.

    Even though I am a vegetarian, I still recommend fish to my patients. Fish has EPA (eicosa-pentanoic acid (sp?)) and DHA (di-hydro-something-or-other acid :-) ) whereas other omega 3 sources are DHA only, since EPA is a metabolic product made by fish. I take vegetarian-sourced EPA/DHA supplements are synthesized from yeast and algae, which are things that fish eat.

    If you like this idea, then I can post it for everyone to read (not just the orangies).
  • Itsdevo
    Itsdevo Posts: 29 Member
    Also, I have been updating my stats on the spreadsheet. Am I supposed to post them here too?
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    Also, I have been updating my stats on the spreadsheet. Am I supposed to post them here too?

    No you dont need to post them here too. I am posting my efforts here so i feel more accomplished lol. I will update the spreadsheet at the end of the week with all my progress :) I think what ever works best for you is fine! ;)

    So the only workout I did last night was my 50 squats. so far my total for the week 150. I went to the salon and got a new pedi and my nails done... then just got busy through the night. I have kickboxing tonight and my kid has karate so I can get in a 2 hour work out today. Its so nice out finally I think I will get in a nice walk with a bit of running, and of couse my sqats. ;)

    Proud of everyones efforts this week so far! We have a great group size here I am loving getting to know you all :flowerforyou: :heart: :happy:
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    You can substitue fish with one or all items in your choice ;)
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    1no DVD or anything old I done 3 days mo-tue-wed today just new thing plus squats
    2 I went to work on bike 90 min (45+45)
    3 I done 90 squats I am on 240 so 110 to do
    4. I actually crave fish now I had 5 fish dishes
    5 yes I posted recipe for my yesterday lunch
  • debk68
    debk68 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Orangies!
    Weather is gorgeous today in Colorado. Went for a bike ride, I was going to ride my bike to work. But, I couldn't find the pin to hold the bike rack on to the car. my daughter said "why didn't you just load the bike into the car?" DUH!! I did find the pin which was exactly where I put it 3 months ago so I would remember where it was LOL!
    Tomorrow is another day!!

    Forgot the squats yesterday. I did buy some Halibut to try. And some Kale.

    Have a great day!!
  • drizzy_obsessed04
    drizzy_obsessed04 Posts: 26 Member
    hey guys. i dunno why, but when i signed up for this.. i could have sworn it said it started on the 25just been not paying attention to this challenge. my bad. but now it is onnnn. the only things im going to struggle with are the cooking challenges because i have no idea how to cook unless i heat it up in the microwave, but i will work on that!!!

    how about tuna wraps or tuna salad :-) - of course i mean tinned tuna :-))

    i will def try those!!
  • Itsdevo
    Itsdevo Posts: 29 Member
    No you dont need to post them here too. I am posting my efforts here so i feel more accomplished lol. I will update the spreadsheet at the end of the week with all my progress :) I think what ever works best for you is fine! ;)

    Cool, thanks!

    So the only workout I did last night was my 50 squats. so far my total for the week 150.

    Actually that makes me feel better about today... I did some squats but couldn't do any other exercise due to a migraine. Good times!
  • Itsdevo
    Itsdevo Posts: 29 Member
    I have a suggested idea: Since the Omega 3's in fish are a major health benefit of fish, I would like to propose two meals that include omega-3 fatty acids as a highlight. This could include:

    -olive, sesame, soybean, flax, canola and/or their oils
    -most seeds
    less omega 3's but still in the game:
    -winter squash, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower.
    You can substitue fish with one or all items in your choice ;)

    Thank you for that- I appreciate it! :-)
  • briggsf
    briggsf Posts: 28
    Hello Oranges, I'm doing the squat challenge, so it was easy to remember to get those done, already done 315 for the week, so after today ill have 445 done so far this week( we are suppose to do 350 weekly and not daily right?) hope so:))) also I'm allergic to sea food, what can I substitute? I haven't posted my before pic yet, but will do so shortly. New thing I've been trying is lifting weights. I like it!!! Found that I could sweat as much as when I do cardio:)))