Justing getting started 4/13

Hi everyone. Just getting back into myfitnesspal and did Callanetics last night. Didn't realize there was a group until today. I have the original 60 minute DVD and 2 of the 20 minute ones. Based off of some of the comments here I just picked up the Evolution DVD. I'm over 50 now and gaining weight from thyroid/menopause stuff so I'm hoping that this will help. In the back of my garage I have a Fluidity barre that I'm going to clean up and bring into the house to use.

Is there anyone interested in a challenge to help keep on track?


  • aprilelaina
    aprilelaina Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also just getting back into Callanetics. I haven't done it in years, but it always worked before, so I'm getting back into it. I did my first hour yesterday and my goal is 4 hours a week. I'm looking for other people who also do Callanetics and I'd love to do a challenge!
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I have not done a full hour yet. I forget how hard some of those little tiny movements are! I would really like to do a challenge with you. 4 hours a week sounds like a plan. What DVD's do you have. I have two half hour ones, the original 60 minute and I ordered Evolution. I have not done the 60 minute one yet.

    Have you tried to figure out what the calorie burn is? I've just been using Pilates. I would think that might be similar?
    ~ Terri
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm managing 3 hours a week with the original VHS video.

    I also got the 'Super Callanetics' VHS video. I watched some of it...I think I have a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG way to go before I attempt them!

    It's weird how I've done about 7 hours so far, and only recently does it feel I'm even doing some of them properly. It must mean I'm starting to get stronger. The stomach ones I think I finally 'caught' the actual proper position, like it actually felt I was doing something!

    The under-arm tightener...damn, I struggle just to keep my arms up in the air at all! And the behind and thighs ones...I still feel like I'm flailing about with those.

    Pelvic rotations...ugh!!! But I do have to remind myself to work up to their level! I can't expect to do them all at once.
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    Have you tried to figure out what the calorie burn is? I've just been using Pilates. I would think that might be similar?
    ~ Terri

    I personally can't be bothered to figure out what the calorie burn is for Callanetics. It would probably be very low?

    In my mind, it's under 'stretching and inch-reduction'. I know in one of the books Callan said that you don't lose fat if you do Callanetics, but if you're also on a diet when you're doing Callanetics it'll look like you lose 2lbs for every actual pound lost.