Ladies Please.... Men, you may comment on behalf of your SO

KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
Hi gals!!! (and guys... you know you looked)

I was just curious as to how your time-of-the-month has changed since going primal/paleo. I am curious if I possibly have anything else to look forward to. So far, I am very happy with the difference.

I am having MUCH less cramping and pain. I don't feel as fat and bloated during either. It's not nearly as heavy and doesn't stick around as long. Awesome!!!! Also, I don't feel like I have the mood issues that I had before, although I was never very bad with that anyway. I guess I will need the hubby to comment on that one and let me know.

What are your experiences?


  • Brieshon
    Brieshon Posts: 17 Member
    I definitely still had mood swings, but my anxiety and depression are much better overall. I had almost no bloating or cramping, and boob pain was much better, too! :)
  • This is my first month so I did notice I was 8 days late, which caused me a bit of a freak out!!! DH is snipped, so I was ready to lose it!! But after my body was done the detox process and my cycle came, it was less flow, less symptoms...overall better! Lets see how this month goes...I'm thinking my body just needed a reset!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    The difference I've noticed is the length of time and severity.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    My cycle is screwed up for other reasons, but even with the other issues its been far better the last 9 months since going Paleo then it ever has been. Way less cramping, shorter, lighter. Mood swings are far far better.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    I am having MUCH less cramping and pain. I don't feel as fat and bloated during either.

    ^^^THIS!!! :love: :love: :love: This is my first month trying paleo and TOM actually surprised me. I usually know days ahead of time when it's approaching, but not this time.

    At my age (52) I am surely knocking on the menopause door. Fingers crossed it goes a lot smoother too.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Mine is actually regular now, so I don't need pills (I'd go 3-4 months between, without them). So, comparing to pre-pill, it's lighter and less crampy (since I was making up for 3-4 months' at a time!), and PREDICTABLE when it'll happen! I still get a little moody, but I'll still take it over the alternative, lol.
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    I used to know a day or 2 in advance due to cramping and *****iness. Now, unless I'm paying attention to the calendar it sneaks up on me. Also, I used to have a 35-day cycle; that's shortened to 30 days, which I'm less thrilled about, but losing the cramping kind of makes up for it. ;)
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Gah - my eyes! Why would you invite us in here?! :P jk

    My wife's had seen some improvements as well. We've been on it for about 3 years, so I guess it's the new normal for her, but I remember when we started she had commented that it was less painful (she used to get really bad cramping I guess).
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Bloating, weight gain, cravings gone! Much more bearable.... but pregnant now and love not having any period!!!!!
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Hi gals!!! (and guys... you know you looked)

    I was just curious as to how your time-of-the-month has changed since going primal/paleo. I am curious if I possibly have anything else to look forward to. So far, I am very happy with the difference.

    I am having MUCH less cramping and pain. I don't feel as fat and bloated during either. It's not nearly as heavy and doesn't stick around as long. Awesome!!!! Also, I don't feel like I have the mood issues that I had before, although I was never very bad with that anyway. I guess I will need the hubby to comment on that one and let me know.

    What are your experiences?

    I've had mostly the same benefits as you except I do still get the mood swings, I do believe that is mostly due to the hormonal BC I'm on however. I have maybe a couple hours of light cramping, whereas before, the first two days had mild-moderate pain throughout.
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    I now have less bloating and I do not get that one period pimple on my face anymore<
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Not a huge difference for me. Perhaps less cramping, but I would much rather not bleed each month but not be in menopause but just not get it but still have no problems hormonal that could be causing amenorrhea .....cause it I guess I'll just accept this as a normal part of life!
  • wibamagirl
    wibamagirl Posts: 35 Member
    TOM is much easier to deal with now.No more lying on the couch dying for days,wearing the loosest fitting sweats,being a "B" to everyone,having mad crazy cramps and pain a even a pain killer wouldn't touch.Oh,yes it's so much better now!
  • AshleyPaleo
    AshleyPaleo Posts: 121
    No difference in cramps/back pain, but before paleo I had a binge eating disorder, and it cured my mood swings (by eating my feelings lol) so cravings would come and I would binge on sugar. Now that I am not binging cause I have no more cravings my mood swings are worse! BUT my face doesn't turn into a pimple/puffy/bloated mess anymore!