Today I alter my pants

Yep. Finally. 4-11" and weight varies day by day within a few pounds. Been pretty much stuck on 120-123ish for a month, but the pants are falling down! Wish I could get that scale to move but really its the way the clothes fit right? Added lifting (to 30 min swim M-Fri) 8-10 lb'r 2-3 times a week just to music, but craving/hunger sets in badly so I cave and eat. Was logging all food, but it got to time consuming then I got a dog recently that loves to walk/run/play & suck up more of my time, so now mostly doing on days when I cave on eating & want to know where I'm at. As everyone my size 1200 cal a day goal to meet nutriition requirements.....

Other 50 year olders my size with same issues?