4/12/13 Weigh-In

Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
Sorry I am a bit late in posting Friday morning's weigh-in. I wasn't eager to report that I was UP 2.2 pounds. So now I am almost back up to my highest weight again......... YIKES!!! :sad: I really need to get my eating under control and buckle down and get this dreaded weight OFF ~ once and for all!!! I am sick and tired of being overweight!!! :frown:


  • bethFromDayton
    bethFromDayton Posts: 112 Member
    I've lost track of comparisons at this point--what I do know is that I'm 1 lb from ONEderland!
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    I've lost track of comparisons at this point--what I do know is that I'm 1 lb from ONEderland!

  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    Out of town, no scale, but feel fat.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Beth: WooHoo indeed!!! So happy for you!!! ONEderland, here you come!!!

    aubsgg: I feel totally FAT, too. :sad: