a little drained

JavaSparrow Posts: 51 Member
ok so I'm pretty sure i've never gone a whole week sticking to 1200. I have a habit of eating right before bed that doesn't agree with my diet whatsoever.
But for weeks when i really do try my hardest and stay under 1200, on the third or fourth morning i feel a bit drained, maybe even a bit dizzy, all the way until breakfast.
Now, its not a huge deal because after i eat breakfast, i'm fine. Also i don't think 1200 is too little since i'm not hungry or dizzy the rest of the day on 1200. (any eating over is pure gluttonous habit :p)
I'm wondering if it's just a reaction to adjusting to not eating before bed, and that if i diligently stick to 1200 for, i don't know, a week or two, i'll adjust and stop feeling drained when i wake up?
you agree with me, yes?


  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    that's a possibility that your body is getting used to not eating right before bed. Although, what kind of protein do you eat for your last meal of the day? If you don't eat anything, I suggest adding that in or replacing protein for something else. Protein helps to maintain that full feeling. I try to have my protein be the majority of my meals (breakfast- eggs, lunch- chicken, dinner- fish are just examples). I know that if I don't have adequate protein (such as if I eat spaghetti for dinner), I will feel hungry before bed. Hope this helps.