Weight Gain/Graves Disease/Thyroid Medication

suziastro Posts: 56 Member
Hi Folks.
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease (Overactive Thyroid) about 2 years ago.
Since i started taking the medication ive done nothing but put more and more weight on even though my thyroid levels are still high!
I ve spoken to my specialist about this and im told i will calm down and i will go back to my normal weight but nothings changed and im gaining more all the time.
Is there anyone with similar issues or advice for me?
Thanks x


  • toddka1
    toddka1 Posts: 171 Member
    Has your doctor also tested you for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (presence of antibodies)? I was originally Graves with Hashimoto's. I was first put on Methimazole, but was only on the medication for about 6 months. At that point, I developed an allergic reaction to the medication so the doctor then used RAI to treat my Graves. Before the allergic reaction, I was starting to feel pretty good on the medication, but wasn't on it long enough to notice a change in my weight. I did blow up like a balloon to my heaviest weight ever after the RAI took its full effect.

    My sister is on the medication for Graves (also with Hashi's) and has been so far able to maintain her weight.
  • kats3boys
    kats3boys Posts: 61
    First round on PTU and went from 113 to 140, which was good as the doctor wanted me at 135.. second round I was on tapazole and on way too much medication and went from 130 to 197 in less than 3 months.. off Tapazole and went down to 160 and then slowly gained as I was left hypo waiting to see if the thyroid would bounce back.

    Make sure your doctor is running all your labs and not just going off of one, also go by how you are feeling.
  • Sarbgagan
    Sarbgagan Posts: 1 Member
    hi everyone , i m new here , actually i was diagonased with graves disease my doc put me on 30 mg mercazole , i m so depreesed with my gaining weight , within a month i gain 5 kg and my levels are going down and now my medicine is change to 20 mg please help me ,is any diet or exercise to lose weight while taking medicine ,i dnt want to take medicine becoz of weight gain please suggest something . thanks
  • fwyatt1
    fwyatt1 Posts: 7 Member
    I had exactly the same thing happen to me when I was on medication for graves disease. My thyroid levels were still high and they kept me on the Methamazole even though I was gaining weight ( and quickly). I wouldn't stop taking the medication if your doctor tells you you need it. I'm not sure what the next step is for you, but in the end I had my thyroid removed because i wasn't responding well to the anti thyroid drugs. After my thyroid was out and I started taking hormone replacement I lost most of the weight I gained while suffering from Graves by sticking to 1200 cals a day and biking a lot.

    Since then I have gained weight again as it is a constant balancing act with synthroid ( I also went into hibernation mode over the winter and didn't do much exorcise!).

    Hang in there, I know how hard and depressing it is, but it will get better

  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    I also have Graves and am also on methimizole. When I first started taking it I gained 10 lbs in just a few months. Then I got on a lower dose (5 mg) and my levels were okay but I was having a terrible time losing the 10 lbs and I even gained 7 more. Just recently, since my levels were in the normal range, I got permission from my endo to go down to 2.5 mg of methimizole. I have also been eating only 1200 cals a day and not eating back my exercise calories. When I was eating back my exercise calories per MFP I was gaining weight. (I exercise a lot.). I've now lost a few lbs in a month. Its very hard. Good luck.
  • suziastro
    suziastro Posts: 56 Member
    Thank every one!
    This condition is such a head f*u*k it really is.
    Im currently on PTU i tried taking Methimizole but became allergic to it quite quickly.

    The PTU isint working and is casing quite alot of side effects which i can handle but the weight gain is just getting to me.
    When i was diagnosed 2 years ago i weighed around 12stone which im happy with (im 5ft 10') now im 16.
    Its just crazy that my thyroid is overactive and im gaining all this weight.

    Im not sure if ive been tested Hashimoto's Thyroiditis but i will find out.

    Im thinkin some natural remidies might be the next step as once i have RAI thats it i cant go back. I would be really annoyed with myself if i hadint tried everything.
  • suziastro
    suziastro Posts: 56 Member
    Yea im also thinking not eating back exercise calories seems like a good idea,