Green Tea

Does green tea really speed up metabolism or do people lose weight because of no milk and possibly sugar?


  • robincarter101
    robincarter101 Posts: 5 Member
    i have used the Natalie Rose "green tea recipe" and although it sounds awful; it actually is pretty good. it is filling and I think the ginger root is like a thermogenic . It peps me up. The juicer has to be a certain type (She recommends Breville brand, They are a little pricey. But worth it. You can google her website for more info.

    God Bless you,

  • robincarter101
    robincarter101 Posts: 5 Member
    bakewithclair ,

    I just realized you may have meant regular green tea ( in a tea bag). It also is helpful foe curbing the appitite. I used to put a regular green to bag in my bottled water while I was working. Not the decaf kind. I would not add any sweeteners, just cold water and tea bag. I would keep refilling my water bottle as my day went on. It has a bit of cafiiene which helps you not be so hungry.

    I still drink it but I prefer a brand they sell at health food stores that also has mint flavor. I hope this helps you

    God Bless you, Robin