Are you still in it???? Day 64 -All 100DayChallengers



  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    Sorry sis I am still in! I just do the mobile app, but I just recently started the 24 Advocare challenge with my trainer from my fitness Bootcamp. I am still doing my workouts sometimes twice a day. I have started drinking way more water, I have go get better with preparing my meals, but sometimes time gets away from me.
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    I'm still i!!! I don't always have access to the website during the day due to my employers tight handle on internet surfing, but I am here! I am taking each day for what it day at a time. I am determined and focused and I am hoping by the end of this 100 day challenge, I will hopefully have learned more about myself and my body and the challenges I've faced, overcome and conquered.

    My goals are:
    1)no longer Eating after 7pm: Doing fine with this, sometimes 730, but that's as late as it gets
    2) add a 5th workout day to my 4-day regimen: I'm doing great with this, I even did a double workout day Wednesday!!! That was a first.
    3) NO fried foods- #fail-there has been 2 occasions including yesterday, where my job provided free food and fried fish was included. I ate the fish both times. :embarassed: Although I didn't have anything else and I definitely logged it, I still feel bad about day at a time.

    Have a great week!!!
  • shtupndoit
    shtupndoit Posts: 26 Member
    I'm still in it!! I've had a few slip ups with late night eating
    I've been consistent with my protein and water. Today I got carried away with eating cookies. Fresh start tomorrow.... more focus for the remainder of the challenge.
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Still in it. Hitting roadblocks lately. But not giving up, pushing harder..
  • Just4cici
    Hey loves I had a few hiccups but I'm back n I'm not goon anywhere. Else this time.....I vow that......I'm restarting insanity Monday n glad tobe doing.....I'm wishing u all continued success n I love u guys!!!!! Stay with me tam n keep me in ya prayers!!!!!
  • MsSassy45
    MsSassy45 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all!! I'm in but I forget to come to this group page my bad...when I'm busy at work I catch up at night before bed but no excuse ill do better...I re amped mine to less bread instead of no bread I'm getting back to workn sis had surgery so I was helping her..lets get it going we got this!
  • MzHawthorne
    I'm 100% in this!

    My goals were water, Gym 5 days and sweets..
    The more I workout the less I crave sweets or the damage it'll do
    to my body! I either workout before work or after work it's a nice break
    from the kids... My struggle is water... The ladies room at my job is
    NOT as clean as I prefer so I tend to not drink to avoid the restroom! My
    plan is bring some gloves and bottle of bleach and clean the bathroom

    If you want it bad enough there are NO excuses! Just do it!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I am in it. :)
    KAY1BELLE Posts: 29 Member
    Just wanted to say great job and a post workout protein from what I have been reading lately is the right thing to do!!! No matter when the workout it's the best time to refuel those muscles, so drink it!! And goooo VAN!!! Hahah you guys r too much!!
    Ah Man....I forgot to list how I was doing....

    My 3 things to give up were: Sweet Tea, Eating after 730pm, and Alcohol beverages....

    I have TOTALLY NOT HAD any Sweet Tea:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    The eating after 730p.m: Has been my biggest challenge....with doing P90x w/Van after work I feel a little hungry and drink a protein shake....last night was the first night I hadn't..... =)
    Alcohol: I have had it 3x out of this challenge so far....most time celebration of something...last time was the WARRIOR's DASH...

    I can so overall I am very proud...I am seeing results like no other!!! I know I can do this..
  • Miss_Krissy87
    Miss_Krissy87 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm still in it. Made some adjustments to my diet and exercise and hoping to be summer sexy in no time!
    KAY1BELLE Posts: 29 Member
    Still in this thing!!! Learning new things and being reminded that some are staples . #1 Must drink more water!!! #2 Atkins is good to cut the pounds but you have to keep building! #3 gotta get in my stretching and yoga since my Golds doesn't offer it! I may just take the Pilates..