Synthroid/Cytomel vs Naturethroid??

Am I the only one out there that has NOT had a challenging time switching from synthroid and cytomel combo to NDT? I feel like everything I come across on every thyroid forum about switching from synthetics to Nature-Throid or Armour is overwhelmingly positive and I am thrilled that there are many people out there experiencing feeling great on it, but for some reason I have not had the life changing experience that I hoped for.

I had a total thyroidectomy in 2008. Was 115 day of surgery, now 160.

About 1 year ago I decided to switch to NT after researching the heck out of it. I had been pretty "ok" on 150 mg synthroid and 5mcg of cytomel a day. When I first switched to NT I went directly to 4 grains a day by accident (I misunderstood the fact that my pills were 2 grains and therefore thought I needed to take 2 pills a day). I lost 7 pounds in a week then started having bad heart palps. So with my dr. informed I brought it down to 2 grains then up to 2.5 then 3 which is where I am at now, but I am still gaining despite eating healthier and excercising.

I would love to hear others experience who have been on both the synthetic and dessicrated.....I am so confused, I really wanted the NT to work, but I am on the verge of going back on synthroid and cytomel. Any HELP or sharing would be very appreciated!



  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    I took a combination of synthroid / cytomel for about 8 years (and felt pretty darn fantastic). However, about a year ago (after a bad bout with the flu), my immune system got angry, I developed thyroid nodules (again), and started feeling crappy. Even after the nodules went away, my worst symptoms (the constipation and exhaustion) were back.

    I was seeing a naturopath, who did a full work up, and she switched me to Armour (1 grain, once per day). She also put me on a number of supplements to combat my crazy-low vitamin d and b levels. I thought the one-grain dosage was a bit low (going off of a conversion chart and comparing to my old dosages), but was happy to give it a shot.

    After two weeks of trying not to fall asleep at my desk in the afternoons, I called the Naturopath and asked if she could bump up my dose. New blood work confirmed my TSH was back up at 5 (the highest it's been in 12 years!), and my free T3 and T4 levels were also low.

    I've been on a 3-grain a day dose for about a month and a half, and I feel much better. I would argue even better than I felt on the synthetic combo. I don't even feel like I need my old afternoon cytomel dose (2.5 micrograms).

    You said you accidentally took two 4-grain pills a day, which gave you heart palps, and now you are on 3? Would your doctor let you slowly ramp up to a different dosage, and back off if you start having symptoms? For example, if 5.5 grains a day gives you heart palps, but 5 is taking care of your symptoms, you can stay at 5? We know 8 grains is too much for you, but how would you feel on 4 instead of 3 (the original dosage)?

    I realize some docs do not allow this self-adjusting of dosage - but that has been what worked best for me (I am able to tell within a couple of days if I'm on too much or too little). It's certainly faster than waiting six weeks and getting a new blood test.
  • kats3boys
    kats3boys Posts: 61
    When comparing the meds..
    1 grain =60 gm = 38 of T4 and 9 of T3 using this you should be able to tell if you are near the same dosing.

    Also to add in, even though we relate everything to thyroid, not everything is thyroid. After on meds for 1 1/2 years I was sure my thyroid was messed again and the meds were not working. My thyroid was fine, my iron was low enough that I needed injections. I know others who have had the same issues with low B12, diabetes and/or low D.