About Us and Introductions!

Although there are several "Lose 20lbs" groups out there, I wanted this one to be different with specific dates and specific results, and no adds after a certain date to keep everyone on an equal playing field - equal motivation.

On Sunday I will be posting to get our "weigh in", and will manage our weekly updates. I will be asking for weight as well as your specific game plan. If you don't have one or not sure how to start, ask us we can help!

We are looking for active members, so stay tuned and stay posting.

With that said, please introduce yourself and tell us why you are here (besides to lose weight) lol. Why now?


  • missharleychick
    I just had my 3rd baby in October. I went from a size 8 pants to a size 12 PP. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, seeing the baby pouch, the out of shape thighs, my back fat hanging out from my bra straps... Im just disgusted and I want my body back. That is my motivation.

    Besides, I really love the way exercising and eating makes me feel. I was up at 3:00AM this morning to feed the baby, then started working out by 3:30A. I feel amazing today...
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    Hello All! I am Emily and I am 25 (I'll be 26 on May 25th...woot woot!). I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I am joinging this challenge because I want to feel good about myself. After a bad breakup of almost 2 years, I decided I needed to focus on me. It also helped that my now ex boyfriend told me that I always said I wanted to lose weight but never took it seriously. So...I am taking it seriously. I've lost almost 50 pounds so far and feel amazing! I want to lose another 50 pounds by the end of the year (hopefully!). Hoping this group will make me accountable to my weight loss! :)

    Feel free to add me Everyone!

  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    I'm on my 5th go round with this and I have been doing pretty well. I am a married father of 2 (3rd on the way), and I do CrossFit about 4-5 times a week. I am also starting an Olympic Lifting class (tonight is the first night) of which I will be going to twice a week! I have been trying to get my eating under control as I have always been an emotional eater and I am weak when it comes to food temptations... having a pregnant wife doesn't help! lol! But I am trying hard to stay on top of things and really get to the root of my problems. I have about 25lbs to get to my final goal weight, so I am really looking forward to this and hope I can be a big support to everyone in the group!
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    Sandra here -
    I'm 28 and live in New Orleans, so there's my problem. I love to eat, drink and be social (as you can see from my beer wielding profile pic..which was taken at a food competition..where I was a taster!). My boyfriend is a musician, so I spend many a night drinking all the extra calories I can hold. However, my body is telling me it's time for a lifestyle change. Not to mention, I have clothes in my closet from size 6 - 16, so I'm ready to work my butt off and get rid of anyhting over a 12 once and for all!
    I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid about four months ago, but I have a very awesome doc who recommended lifestyle changes before getting on meds for the rest of my life - and it's working!! At my 3 month check up, I had lost 15lbs, and my levels are back within lower normal range. That's just by getting active (at least 45 mins of cardio, 3 days a week).
    I'm great at eating right and I definitely have will power when it comes to food, BUT it's so hard to stay motivated to work out - especially when I have to squeeze it in between work and the night's fun plans. Also, once I get a few drinks in me, I'm not one to "know my limits" so all those extra calories KILL me! I don't plan to quit drinking, but drastically cut back. I'm also one who needs my rest, so waking up early seems out of the question to me (though seeing missharley's posts makes me feel like an *kitten* for even saying that!). She may be my motivation to push myself and try something new!
    Anyway, I could go on for days...I'm here because I'm serious about getting healthy, staying active and losing some serious weight. I'll never be as little as I used to be, but I'm ok with just feeling great for the rest of my life :)
  • cmbartos170
    cmbartos170 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, My name is Colleen. I will be entering my "late-30s" next week as I hit 36 - *gasp*. I am a full time working Mom to three kids. My DD is 4 1/2 and my twin DS are 2. I am now at my heaviest weight ever and I am sick of it. I am sick of needing to buy bigger and bigger clothes. I am sick of not feeling like playing with my kids. I am sick of not feeling confident to be the real me. Sick of not feeling sexy (even with my husband).

    I love food and I love eating...and drinking. Wine is a staple for me (3 kids under 5 and you would feel the same :))

    I need the motivation to actually start using the elliptical I bought at Easter and have not yet used!

  • APRIL230
    APRIL230 Posts: 2
    Hi, I am 33 years old and 5'1. I have lost a total of 73 pounds. I used to weigh 232 pounds. I am now down to 160 pounds. I would like to lose 20 more pounds to put me closer to a normal BMI. I can't wait to start with this group.
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    My name is Christine and I am in my mid 40s. I am a mother of 3 beautiful children and soon to be a MOB - mother of the bride. For 2 consecutive years I won biggest loser. 2011 - 3rd place and 2012 - 2nd place. That means I am a LOSER since each year I allow myself to gain weight. :cry: In 2011 I went down from a size 16 to size 10. In 2012 I went down from a size 14 to size 6. I reached my life time membership in Weight Watchers. In 2013 I am back to a size 12 and my goal is to be at least a size 8. I am praying that I will be motivated to make it last for a lifetime. Most of all because I purchased my MOB gown when I was a size 8 and I do not wish to repurchase. The wedding is October 2013 and I have 6 more months to make this happen!!!:happy:

    What has changed is that I am working with a personal trainer and with your support I can make it happen again!!! :flowerforyou:
  • br8100
    br8100 Posts: 11
    Hi, I am 43 years young. I need to loose weight NOW because the older I get the harder it is going to be. I have gained 10 lbs over the fall/ winter months and moving around and exercising has become harder, I am noticing how much impact 10 lbs are having on my joints and my energy level.
    I am feeling more energetic and overall better eating lower carbohydrate/high protein foods along with salads and other veggies. I have a sweet tooth, so eating low carb takes a quite a bit of discipline.
    Looking forward to do this as a group, feeling more motivated to loose weight by posting weekly results and feeling better as well as wearing prettier clothes this summer. I would like to loose 25 lbs total to be at an ideal weight of 135 lbs at 5'7" height
    Thank you for starting this group!
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    Hi All :) I'm Melissa. I'm 30 years young, mother of two girls (4&9), from New Mexico, work full time, wife & mom full time :bigsmile:
    I was always super skinny with a killer metabolism.....until I had kids! I'm 5'4 and pre-kids I was 115 lbs. First pregnancy went from 115 to 202 lbs. YES I gained 80+ pounds during my pregnancy. UGH. Went from a size 3 to a 13. I was devastated. Fast forward couple years & I got down to 140ish. Felt great even tho not quite down to where I wanted to be. Come pregnancy #2, didn't gain near as much, and got down to 150 after about 6 months after giving birth. Now I've switched jobs and am at a desk job and packed on 10 lbs and was at 160. I've lost a couple, but they keep creeping back.
    I want & NEED to get back to where I was. I hate that I don't fit into half the clothes in my closet, and the ones I do fit in are super tight. NOT CUTE ! And my love handles, jiggly arms, x-tra large thunder thighs, and jiggly butt are not cute either.

    I want to tone up all those areas, be able to fit in my clothes and them be loose, be more energized to keep up with my kids, and feel confident. I really need it to be a lifestyle change, so that I can continue staying fit after I lose the weight.

    Any one feel free to add me. My diary is open**I have tons of recipes saved, so if you see something that sounds good, I can send you the recipe **, and I am actively on this site :flowerforyou:
    Good luck all
  • Emily3456
    Emily3456 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! I just joined the group! I'm Emily - 28, living just outside of DC. I'll be 29 on July 2, so this challenge should get me motivated to lose some lbs in time for the last birthday in my 20's. I've been on MFP for about a year now and I am 20 lbs down. My goal weight has me losing 30 more lbs, so if I can pull off 20 in these next 75 days that would be great! I'm pretty active with a mix of running, crossfit, and zumba but I mainly struggle with eating right. Normally I get through the week OK, but lose it over the weekend - that is my biggest challenge lately. Anyway, I'm always looking for supportive new friends, so feel free to add me!

  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    HI All, I'm Carley, I'm a little nervous about setting such a specific goal, but the end date is one day before my anniversary, so this will be good for me. I'm a mommy of 1 and work full time. I've got about 50 lbs to lose, so this will be a good kick in the pants for me. I ran my first 1/2 marathon in March, and am preparing for my second at the beginning of July, I try to cross-train on my non-run days, and am not very rigid about them. Bless you for giving us a couple of days before the first weigh in! I'm still working off a slight gain from work travel last week.
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member
    Hello, Just found and joined this group. I might be your oldest member - I'll be 57 in a couple of weeks.....whoever said they are concerned that this will only get harder as you get older is right! By the time you get past 50 you cannot get away with anything in terms of lax habits. If I lost 20 pounds in 75 days I'd be in a very good place.

    I used to be more active and maintained a very good fitness level up to about 10 years ago. No good excuses either. Just busy and in denial about how much more difficult it was all going to be later on.

    Looking forward to the accountability and support.

  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I am Diane; 28 years old and on a mission to improve not just my outward appearance, but the person I am inside as well. Long story short, I am currently undergoing mental and physical tests to sort out some issues I am having health-wise as a result of too much stress and just not investing any time into myself and my health. I have made work more important than me for too long,and it is starting to adversly affect me. So, here I am, making the baby steps I need to accomplish big changes in life! :)
  • hottiemush
    hottiemush Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I am Marsha, a 34 yr old mother of 2. I Work full-time and attend university part-time. I joined MFP in 2011, started losing weight then told myself I had no time to keep up with exercising and just stopped. Now I feel very uncomfortable in my skin and clothes. I also feel that being inactive is unhealthy, so here I am back on the plan, needing your support and motivation and willing to give the same. Feel free to add me
  • kaitlynsmom
    kaitlynsmom Posts: 140 Member
    Hey all!! I am Diana and a mom to 3 girls ( 6, 3.5 and 1) and a wife. After 3 kids and weight from partying I put on lots of weight. My highest was 236 and that was after I had my last baby. So far I have lost 38lbs so I am now down to 197. I would LOVE to lose 20lbs in 75 days. Being down to 177lbs would be a dream right now. I don't remember the last time I was that weight. I am signed up to do a 5K on July 6th and a half marathon in Aug so weighing less I bet would make it easier.
  • kikarate7
    kikarate7 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, Eric Effinger from SoCal.

    I've always liked exercising and working out.

    Now in my 40s, with some "early" degeneration of my lower lumbar (Stenosis) and a travel schedule for work, its far too easy to eat too much and exercise too little.

    I've recently gotten "regular" again with the Gym and am taking the next step to commit to losing the extra 20 that I can never seem to get rid of.

    I look forward to the challenge with all of you.
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    My name is Nicole and I'm 25. My reason for wanting to lose weight is because I have been unhappy with my body for as long as I can remember. I work out 5 days a week, usually 60 minutes on Tuesday and Wednesday and 90 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'll usually do more on weekends, but I have 90 as my minimum. On top of working full time, I also am a full time student, and married so I of course try to make time for my relationship. I was doing good earlier this year, but I have hit a plateau and have become very frusterated so hopefully I'll get past that soon because it's starting to piss me off. lol

    Best of luck to you all, and I look forward to working with you. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    My name's Cat, I'm 24 (almost 25) and my reason for wanting to join this group is because there is a realistic goal. I'm also a member of the "goal a month" group, which I like, but it just goes on forever month after month. With this group I hope that I can stay more on track because there is a "deadline" to meet and I have to stay accountable up to that point. I don't like the way I look and I know I can look better, and feel better. My problem is the drinking.... b/c I drink A LOT once I start and then the next day I eat horribly!!

    I've also read a lot of posts and everyone (so far) seems very motivated and supportive of others. That's awesome and I can't wait to see my results and everyone else's in 75 days!!! :)
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Hi! My name is Trina and I'm 33 (34 in June.) I have about 25 more pounds to go to get to my goal weight. I have always been a fairly active person, playing sports in high school and involved in weightlifting classes. Through my 20's I stayed fairly in shape - I didn't work out much though and I didn't really maintain a healthy diet, it must have just been because I was in my 20's and my metabolism was high! :smile: I had my daughter when I was 27, and since then it's been a lot harder to lose weight when I try to. Last year I lost 21 pounds, only to gain back 15 of it during the holiday season when I was REALLY not being very disciplined. This year so far I've lost 11 pounds, 4 of those since I"ve been on MFP.

    My husband and I decided at the beginning of this year to eat healthier and lose weight. So far he's lost 15 pounds, so we're both doing pretty good. We have a home gym setup in our basement "rec" room and although we don't usually work out together, we try to motivate eachother to work out at least 5 days a week.

    My reason for wanting to lose weight: I just want to feel confident and sexy. Oh, and be healthy of course. :smile: My weight at the beginning of last year was 183, which is the highest I've ever been at in my life. I'm now at 165 and already feeling much more confident in my own skin. I'm looking forward to the next couple of months with all of you! Feel free to add me.
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    Hi everyone, my name's Unaisha and I'm 21. I currently weigh 10st 3 lbs and I want to become at least 9st. I managed to lose 4 stones last year but since Christmas 2012, I got used to eating junk food so I'm struggling to lose those extra pounds off. I work out 4 days a week (60 mins per day which include 45 mins of Billy Blanks Tae Bo Cardio and 15 mins Strength training). I weighed myself this morning and found that I lost 1.5 lbs since last week. I also do Zumba if I've got time otherwise I'm busy at university. Thank God I've come across this group where people like me are trying to achieve our best.

    In the evenings, I get really bad cravings for chocolate but I substitute it with WeightWatchers biscuits or mini cakes. It's really hard but if we want to achieve something, we will definitely do it. Good luck everyone :)