About Us and Introductions!



  • chocol8e
    chocol8e Posts: 13
    Hi everyone! My name is Karli and I'm 29 going to be 30 on May 4th! I'm a sole support parent and I have been for 12 years. I dedicate myself to my daughter, my family and my friends and now I'm putting me first for a change. I recently graduated and I love my job and career choice! I just started training with a friend of mine who is a personal trainer, who kicked my butt last night (first session). I am currently at my heaviest and need to lose a person lol! I love myself on the inside and want my exterior to match! I'm so excited to start this 75 day journey with you guys! Feel free to add me :) Good luck everyone!
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    My name is Tina. I will be 42 next month. My fiancé’ and I are getting married this November and we have 3 great boys between the two of us 18, 16 and 7. About 5 years ago, I got serious about weight loss. At my highest I was around 220lbs. About 3 years ago, I had lost a total of 90lbs and was in the best shape of my entire life. Also......I became a “runner”, or so I call myself that - ha!! When I started out, I couldn’t run 30 seconds! I kept at it and soon I was running every day and worked my way up to 3 miles at a time. The longest run I have done is 8 miles. I have a handful of 5ks under my belt and I still run - just not as much. The problem now is that some weight has started to creep back up on me. I’m thinking it is my age, but who knows!!! We go to the gym Monday thru Friday at 5am, so I am in no way lazy or a couch potato, but am having a hard time shedding these pounds I put on. I will be happy with losing about 20-25 lbs which should get me close to my lowest weight. I am 5'6" and think I am at about 160 lbs now (I need to step on that scale!)

    So, I am here for motivation, challenge and to reach my goal. I welcome all the encouragement ya’ll can throw my way!!!
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    Im Mackenzie, 20 years old. Mother of three{4,3,3 weeks} My last pregnancy got very scary towards the end. I developed gd and preeclampsia. Both of those could of been brought on by my weight. I shot up to 238 my biggest weight in my life. Since I developed those complications in my pregnancy, I have a higher chance of developing diabetes now. My best chance at avoiding it is eating healthy and dropping all this extra weight. I would really like to lose atleast 20lbs by june 23 that would be amazing. I already had a similar goal anyways and hoping with being in a group I can stay motivated and get this done. Not only for me but for my kids, they need a healthy mommy.
  • mamabear2421
    mamabear2421 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Danica. I have three kids and just want to get healthier and more in shape!
  • brina1977
    brina1977 Posts: 14
    Hi everyone, I'm Sabrina.

    My partner and I have 5 children together (17,17,11,11, and 6). I'm 35 and have slowly packed on 5-10 lbs each year, for 10 FREAKING years. My love of food and fun, along with an ingrained desire to do whatever i want whenever i want, has prevented me from trying let alone committing to any type of diet. Between feeling unhealthy and a less than fun trip to the Dr. recently, I've decided it's time to shed all this poundage.

    I recently found yoga, I know, pretty low intensity, but mentally very soothing for my hectic lifestyle. This is my second week of really tracking what i eat and keeping to a 1200 calorie LIFESTYLE, not diet. I'm still experimenting and learning, but finding it a lot easier than I'd ever imagined. I'm feeling pretty ticked at myself for waiting so long. Although I have yet to weigh in since I originally started. I'm terrified that I won't see any progress and get discouraged. Hoping that being part of an active group will help!
  • Melster85
    Melster85 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I'm Michelle.

    Since I started my current job I've gained ~10lbs./year which is not sustainable for someone on the short side --> 5'2''. I want to get ahead of this before it gets worse! I'm also dating someone who is very active in the fitness world and I want to keep him around and be an overall healthier person. My diet has drastically changed over the past year and now I'm ready for a bigger change in the "exercise" department. Plus, like most women, I want to fit into my wardrobe and not sink a ton of money into buying a new one every 6 months.

    Looking forward to a daily challenge and a group with similar goals!
  • lizbeth926
    Hey all, I'm Liz from Phoenix!

    I guess I have a little different thing going on from everyone else that I've read up on so far. I'm a gastric-band patient going on 8 years post-op! Did brilliantly losing nearly 136lb and reaching my goal of 155-160 lbs within the year. Last year I had an issue with acid reflux that swelled up the area between my esophagus and port. Nothing stayed down.....obviously and I dropped down to 132 lbs. If I swallowed a grain of rice, you'd probably have seen it stuck in my throat sideways. lol

    After many dr visits, removal of all fluid from my band, tubes down my throat to check me out, etc I was cleared to have fills to my band again. During this time I balooned from 132 lbs to 198 lbs, much to my dismay. So my dr turned me to this site to help me stick to my 1200 calorie diet. Lost 5 lbs so far and looking at a target goal weight of 155 lbs or so. He'd like me at 140 lbs. So we'll see how it goes.

    I'm motivated and ready to get moving! Have to lose 10 lbs (on dr order) by my 1 month check in. Well on my way! Here we gooooooo!!!!!!!! = )~
  • marieayr
    marieayr Posts: 3
    i need to lose at least 14lb in next 3 month, have bought an outfit for my sons wedding in august but i bought 1 two siz2 too small to motivate me, i lost 18lbs in 3 months no problem , now im stuck at 10-10lbs , have been for 3 weeks, need something to kick start my motabalism, im going to gym 3 times a week and on 1000 calories a day, ant tips please
  • walkbyfaith0314
    Hi, i'm Vicki. I'm 25.I had our 2nd baby in August. Like another poster, my pregnancy had gotten really scary at the end, I developed pre-eclampsia and had terrible edema. Pre-pregnancy I had been 158 pounds, but the edema and other issues made me balloon up to 209 pounds! I only lost 11 after delivery. i'm happy to say I'm down to 164 ( i weighed 172 3/9/13) and change right now, but I don't like that my BP is still pretty high for me. Also, to be in my healthy weight I need to get down to 132 max. Having the support of this group will give me accountability and an "end date" that I can look forward to.
  • aecole87
    aecole87 Posts: 26 Member
    My name is Ashlee, and I'm 25 years old and live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I started running about six months ago and have done a few races. I want to become a better runner, and I think getting this weight off would definitely help! I have already lost 23 pounds but I have 39 more I would like to lose to get to my goal weight. I also bought a road bike at the beginning of this year and have really gotten into cycling. I love it! Another great reason to lose weight because I want to get faster on my bike!
    I've struggled for years to get back to my goal weight, and I decided this time is THE FINAL TIME! No giving up. I try to eat clean during the week. I tried Paleo for a few weeks but found it too restrictive for my liking. I want to learn moderation (something I've always had a problem with) and eliminating whole groups of foods I enjoy wasn't getting me there. I try to be very active, and I love the direction I am moving in with my levels of fitness. I am looking forward to being accountable every week in this group with my weigh ins!

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I don't really have many friends on here but would like to as a tool for motivation and support! :)
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    I'm in! This is just what I need...was just discussing this with a fellow MF'er that I know in the flesh. Hahaha...discussing it over drinks and appetizers actually...no bueno! I was an MFP BEAST at this time last year and it's time to step up my game again. 15-20 lbs would be a nice drop. I will be lifting heavy at the same time so not 100 % sure I'll get that much weight off but the goal is to tighten it up a bit. Was planning to start hitting it hard bright and early Monday morning...PERFECT!!

    Thanks for starting this up; looking forward to the ride!
  • junkintrunk5
    junkintrunk5 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey there!
    Short and sweet:

    -44 year old mother of two (21 and 14)
    -have always loved fitness and have ran 3 marathons in my past
    -recently remarried to an amazing man who loves fitness as well (work out together)
    -feeling like my age makes it harder to keep muscle tone and lose those few pounds

    -joined MFP to get the support and such a great app to use!!
    -SO excited to get working with this group, because I feel like it's such a motivator
    -I look forward to seeing everyone's progress!!

    You'll get to know me a little by little, so good luck and "let's get it started, YA!!!"

    There is junk in the trunk, for sure:)))
  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all, I'm Gloria, 26, married, and have 2 kids. I was on MFP a couple months ago and lost 10lbs. I kinda gave up after awhile and am sad to say I gained it all back :( Now my pants are so tight I can barely get them over my butt or get them zipped. :( I'm 5'1" and would like to get down to 115. I'm at 132.5.
  • RNChristie33
    RNChristie33 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi, I'm Christie and I'm 25. I have lost 55 pounds since September. However things have slowed down considerably since mid-February. I decided I needed to change things up and joined MFP. I finally started to see results again in April but this week I am having a terrible time getting and staying motivated. I have 20 lbs left to lose and would love to see them disappear by the end of the summer. This past week I have not been working out the way I should and while my calories have still been less than what is technically maintenance my food choices have been poor (to say the least). My will power seems to just be gone. I just want this last bit of weight to be gone and I'm just struggling. So I'm here for some support and accountability!
  • kahyee
    kahyee Posts: 63
    Hi. I want to lose 36 by 36, which is Sept 30. I have done every diet out there. Thought about doing WW again but didn't get as much support from the meetings and hate spending money to hear other people complain. I love doing crossfit and know that I'll see even bigger gains if I get my eating, specifically my sweet tooth, under control. I'm 5'4" and presently weigh 173.8. Looking forward to encourage and be encouraged through this challenge.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Hi! I recently entered my 50s, mom of 4 (three grown). I'm finally seeing my metabolism start to balance, seriously. My endocrine system (pituitary, thyroid, etc.) has been extremely off balance for several decades. After several surgeries and now medicine and synthetic hormones (that I no longer produce) that have to work with my chemical sensitivity, I'm finally seeing excess water weight starting to drop off. Unfortunately during these decades, I developed poor eating habits. So, I'm learning better, more fulfilling ways to eat... And, I'm loving it! I've dropped over 40 lbs since my journey started six months ago, 15 of which since using myfitnesspal for a little over 2 months now. I'm committed to keep going. My physical capabilities are a somewhat limited from the side effects of the medication I'm taking (muscle cramping), but any movement helps. My caloric expectation per day is 1200 and I'm usually creative enough to always stay within that. Good luck everyone!
  • grk_tigris
    grk_tigris Posts: 48 Member
    Hey y'all from North Augusta, SC.

    My name is Lena & I'll be 31 at the end of the month. I have lost 61lbs since I started my weight loss journey in 2010. It has been slow going but lately I have hit a stand still. I am looking for some ideas in motivation and support of friends to figure out how to get over this plateau. I am trying to get back into the C25K program but it's slow as I tore my calf muscle a while back and it's still recovering (I am in PT, though). I have about another 66 pounds to go to my goal weight. I'm hoping to hit it by next january, so any help i can get would be great. :)
  • LBinSF
    LBinSF Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, I'm Laura.
    I've lost boatloads of weight (~70 pounds) over the past year by reducing garbage-y carbohydrates (such as sugar and white flour) but I still want to lose about 20-30 more pounds to get back to a great weight for my height.

    My college reunion is in 35 days (& my 3 college roommates have ALL stayed really skinny) so I'm hoping to lose 10 more of the 20 pounds (for this weight loss challenge) by that time.

    MyFitnessPal is the best for keeping me honest. I like seeing how food eaten on a day-to-day basis translates into slight weight gains and losses. This app holds us accountable and it's AWESOME!

    I'm 5'9" tall and weighed 179 today. Would love to weigh 150 again. (I literally do have big bones & a fair amount of muscle - so I am not trying to weigh 129 like my college roommates who are also 5'9" tall. That just isn't going to happen - and I'm OK with it.)

    In February someone crashed into me from behind skiing - which resulted in crutches, metal knee brace, 3 ligaments injured (MCL-grade 3 tear; ACL-completely ripped, & PCL-sprain). Therefore, I haven't been to the gym in 2 months. I've been walking and hiking again recently but really miss doing yoga.

    I am looking forward to getting back to the gym. This weight loss challenge may be the motivational boost needed!

  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 71 Member
    Hi I'm Dorian! I'm a 30 year old gradstudent and I've never been the weight I really want to be. When I was 23 I was 270 pounds, and I lost 90 of them, but I never made it to goal. This summer I want to do that. I'm also headed to a wedding JUST after the challenge ends, so I'd like to use the challenge to help me look my best, as it were.
    I'm 5'10 175, so I don't think I'll be able to lose 20 pounds in the just over 10 weeks, but I want to work my belly off with people who are equally motivated, and lose as much fat and gain as much muscle as possible. (I cannot work my butt off. It is the only place I DON'T gain fat.)
    Nice to meet everyone!
  • smittygirl
    smittygirl Posts: 36 Member
    Hello, my name is Sarah. I am 33 years old. I've been married for 10 years and have two children, Macy 8 and Brigham 5. I work part time and have only 1 week of school left of this semester!! I love to be active! I just dont look like it. lol. I'm doing a half marathon next monthe and a full marathon in October. I'm also doing various mud races this year. I would LOVE to do the tough mudder but wont be able too this year. The thing is its hard to be taken seriously when your over weight. And also the weight is not good on the bones. If I want to continue my active lifestyle I need to focus on and change my eating lifestyle.