Getting serious about weightloss

Hey everyone!

I'm sort of new to the community. 2 years ago, I joined MFP and was super diligent about counting calories. I got to the point where it became obsessive though and kept my calories at no more than 1000 a day. Needless to say, I dropped from 140lb on my medium-built 5'5" frame to 118! I loved how skinny I was, but my family kept telling me I did not look healthy. Well, when I was home during the holidays, those extra 20lb jumped right back on and I've even gained 10 more since December 2011. I hate to admit it, but I am no longer loving my body. My fiancee is super sweet and says he loves me just as I am, but I want to lose weight for me. I'm tired of this weight and want to get back to 120 or at least 130, but in a healthy way.

In order to do this, I need some serious support! I would love to meet some friends during this journey, so please add me if you are up for some support and a new MFP friend!

Let's do this!:flowerforyou: