Post your best "Beat the Binge" tips here

People seem to have some really good tips & ideas, so I thought it'd be a good idea to collate these in one thread so we have an easy reference point. It should make a good read when the binge mobster threatens to strike!

Please post your top tips below.......


  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    Ill start......

    Mouthwash at every sink - when you hear your trigger foods calling you, promise yourself that you can have some AFTER you've rinsed your mouth with mouth wash. Once it tastes like you've been to the dentists, chances are things won't seem quite. So appealing.

    Sugar free gum - same theory as above for when you're on the. Go. It also keeps your mouth busy.

    Individually wrapped items & smaller sizes - there was something about this on "Secret Eaters" last night. Reaching the end of a bag / packet creates a natural pause, giving your brain to catch up with your stomach. I can't guarantee it'll stop you reaching for another pack, but it'll give you a second to think before you do, which can't hurt.

    Visualise trigger foods stuck like a layer of fat all over your body - can sometimes work a treat!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    First off; we had a thread like this before talking about 'escape plans'.... :) But, this one is good, too! I'm not complaining. :flowerforyou:

    Just thought I'd share;

    Now... Things that help the most for me is showering, mouth wash... gum helps sometimes.

    Getting out of isolation is a big one. If I go around people there is no chance for me to binge. Eating disorders thrive on isolation.Even if I have a hugggeeee urge to binge - I am not comfortable acting on it when I'm at the mall with friends or even worse, in someone elses house where I can't steal their food or make a lot go 'missing'. Terrible; Yes!

    <3 .
  • jinna86
    jinna86 Posts: 93
    Sometimes I feel like it's cheating, but I use a supplement called Relora which reduces stress (and therefore my need to self-medicate with food). It might just all be a placebo, but placebo or not, it's helping me :smile: