progress through Stage 2

LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
Wanted to share my results because I am so happy!

I've lost 2 1/2 inches from my bust
Lost 2 inches from my waist.
Lost 3 1/2 from my hips.

These losses are from the beginning of Stage one to end of Stage 2.

Dead lift started at 45 ended at 100 and I'm ready for heavier.
Lat Pull Down I started at 40, ended at 95
Cuban 5 to 15

I can hold the plank for 60 seconds, I am doing push-ups on the floor.
I'm writing this and so excited about my progress. Sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging.

Thanks everyone who posts and keeps me motivated. Hugs to all of you for your experience, wisdom, and encouragement.

I've given up weighing myself for now. The scale can discourage me but my progress to date will keep me rolling!

I'll take pictures this week end but I'm just so happy I had to share this with you.


  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Congrats, and yeah, scales suck.
  • edennew
    edennew Posts: 231 Member
    Congrats! I am about to finish phase 2 (hate it) but am proud of myself for keeping up with it. Great job on plank! I have only held it 60 seconds once. I'm always so tired by then! :)
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks! Starting my first stage 3 today.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Congrats and brag away :wink: it's very deserved.

    Amazing results all over !!!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Bragging is a good thing and you're doing great!