04/21 to 04/27 Run, Walk or Crawl

reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character." -T. Alan Armstrong

"I've always made a total effort, even when the odds seemed entirely against me. I never quit trying; I never felt that I didn't have a chance to win."
- Arnold Palmer

15 miles starting Sunday and ending Saturday... Yep that easy and you know you can do it! Just log your daily miles, the total miles for the week and encourage your fellow challengers to make their goals, yep it's that easy.

"Run when you can. Walk when you must. Crawl if you have to. Just never give up." Dean Karnazes, the Ultramarathon Man

For the folks returning you know that the 15 miles is not the main goal. The main goal is just to get up and get moving, if you don't meet it that's fine and you surpass it, well that just freaking rocks.

For new comers the preferred method of posting miles would be:

Sunday-miles-what you did
Monday-miles-what you did
Tuesday-miles-what you did
So on and so forth, posted daily or when the miles occur...

Total- Running total for the week thus far

As always this is not set in stone, if you post every other day or whatever fits into your schedule, but please try to stay close to the above format.

For those folks that don't do miles:
for conversion to be made easy (Thanks Nonafit)

Now let's get moving folks :)

"Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you are a success." -William J.H. Boetcker


  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    It's a beautiful, cool Sunday morning here in the Netherlands, and the perfect day for a morning run! Hope all of you have a similar start to the week!

    Sunday: 2.69 miles running

    WTD: 2.69 miles
  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    Just went for a short ride with my daughter, to I'm updating my mileage:

    Sunday: 2.69 miles running; 3.35 miles biking

    WTD: 6.04 miles
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Sunday - ran 2 miles, walked 0.5 mile

    Total so far 2.5
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    I'm running in my very first 5K this coming Saturday! :)

    Monday: 4.07 miles running

    WTD: 4.07 miles
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Sunday - ran 2 miles, walked 0.5 mile
    Monday - walked 1.5 miles

    Total so far - 4 miles
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    I'm running in my very first 5K this coming Saturday! :)

    Monday: 4.07 miles running

    WTD: 4.07 miles

    Good luck on Saturday, I hope you enjoy it :-)
  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    Sunday: 2.69 miles running; 3.35 miles biking
    Monday: 2.53 miles running
    Tuesday: 2.57 miles running

    WTD: 11.14 miles
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Sunday - ran 2 miles, walked 0.5 mile
    Monday - walked 1.5 miles
    Tuesday - walked 3 miles

    Total so far - 7 miles
  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    Sunday: 2.69 miles running; 3.35 miles biking
    Monday: 2.53 miles running
    Tuesday: 2.57 miles running
    Wednesday: 9.48 miles stationary bike followed by Power Pilates! My legs are feeling it now!

    WTD: 20.62 miles
  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    I'm running in my very first 5K this coming Saturday! :)

    Monday: 4.07 miles running

    WTD: 4.07 miles

    You'll do great! Crossing my fingers that you'll have perfect weather for it, too...
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Monday: 4.07 miles running
    Tuesday: (weight lifting - no miles)
    Wednesday: 5.05 miles running

    WTD: 9.12 miles

    THANKS debi_f and sammylc! One of my mfp friends, who I haven't met in person yet, is going to do it with me - along with another friend - so I'm sure I'll enjoy it. And the forecast looks great as of right now...I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way! :)
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Sunday - ran 2 miles, walked 0.5 mile
    Monday - walked 1.5 miles
    Tuesday - walked 3 miles
    Wednesday - walked 2 miles
    Thursday - ran 0.5 miles, walked 1.5 miles

    really wanted to run more than this today but found it such a struggle

    Total so far - 11 miles
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Thursday - ran 0.5 miles, walked 1.5 miles

    really wanted to run more than this today but found it such a struggle

    sammylc - some days are DEFINITELY easier than others! Sorry today was a struggle. Hope tomorrow's better! :)
  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    Sunday: 2.69 miles running; 3.35 miles biking
    Monday: 2.53 miles running
    Tuesday: 2.57 miles running
    Wednesday: 9.48 miles stationary bike followed by Power Pilates! My legs are feeling it now!
    Thursday: 2.47 miles running
    Friday: 11.74 miles stationary bike followed by Pilates; 2.6 miles outside biking

    WTD: 37.43 miles
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Sunday - ran 2 miles, walked 0.5 mile
    Monday - walked 1.5 miles
    Tuesday - walked 3 miles
    Wednesday - walked 2 miles
    Thursday - ran 0.5 miles, walked 1.5 miles
    Friday - walked 2 miles

    Total so far - 13 miles
  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    Sunday: 2.69 miles running; 3.35 miles biking
    Monday: 2.53 miles running
    Tuesday: 2.57 miles running
    Wednesday: 9.48 miles stationary bike followed by Power Pilates! My legs are feeling it now!
    Thursday: 2.47 miles running
    Friday: 11.74 miles stationary bike followed by Pilates; 2.6 miles outside biking
    Saturday: 2.95 miles running OMG! This morning's run felt FANTASTIC!

    WTD: 40.38 miles

    eta: Good luck with your 5K today, jkuhn! Enjoy it!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Sunday - ran 2 miles, walked 0.5 mile
    Monday - walked 1.5 miles
    Tuesday - walked 3 miles
    Wednesday - walked 2 miles
    Thursday - ran 0.5 miles, walked 1.5 miles
    Friday - walked 2 miles
    Saturday - walked 2 miles

    Total so far - 15 miles
  • marathonbiker
    marathonbiker Posts: 207 Member
    Sun 40 mi bike ride
    Mon 2 mi walk
    Tue 1 mi walk
    Tue 3.75 run/walk
    We 2 mi walk
    Thur 3 mi walk
    Thur 10 mi bike trainer (intervals)
    Fri Rest
    Sat 4 mi run I ran today without stopping!

    Total 65,75 mi
