Tomorrow is race day!!

jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
Hi all-

Tomorrow morning is my first "race" 5k! I'm so nervous! I've run the route a dozen times so I know I can do it. It's the nerves of publicly hyperventilating, going at my 4.3 mph :) My goal: do it!!! And to be proud of myself for showing up, and jogging, no matter what.

Nerves, nerves, nerves....


  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Congratulations and have fun!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Good luck, and have fun!!!
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    may the wind be at your back :) good luck
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    We did it! Tacha 28:20. Me 38:06. Personal bests for us both. Plus that whole showing up and being seen thing :) We are on top of the world! Thanks for all the encouragement. Woo hoo!!!!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    You must feel terrific!!!!
    I am pre-running my 5K race route tomorrow just to check it out and to try to calm some of the jitters. The actual race is on May 4th. All my more experienced runner friends have told me to just stay calm and run my own race so I don't go too fast and fizzle out early. I'm sloooow (42:00 is my PB for the distance) but this will be my first actual race. I think it might be hard to not get carried away with the excitement.

    Congratulations on your awesome time!!!! WOOT! WOOT!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    You must feel terrific!!!!
    I am pre-running my 5K race route tomorrow just to check it out and to try to calm some of the jitters. The actual race is on May 4th. All my more experienced runner friends have told me to just stay calm and run my own race so I don't go too fast and fizzle out early. I'm sloooow (42:00 is my PB for the distance) but this will be my first actual race. I think it might be hard to not get carried away with the excitement.

    Congratulations on your awesome time!!!! WOOT! WOOT!

    Thanks! I do feel terrific! Still flying high... though my legs are sore! My PB before the race was 40 on level surfaces, and 42 on that course (it's hilly and steep). It was the adrenaline, excitement, others' paces that shaved off all that time for sure. Don't be surprised if you catch yourself going too fast in the beginning. I did, as the masses pulled away from me and I was DEAD last for the first half mile. Then I slowed down and found my pace, and when the hills hit and I was going steady, I slowly passed folks. I still finished in the bottom 10%, but I ran the whole thing, and I was a very "steady turtle". I pushed the last quarter mile hard and finished strong, and mostly, I accomplished what I never thought I could... Good luck on the 4th, I'll be thinking of you! Oh, and I did practice the race route, so did my wife... we both feel it helped us a lot just to have a feel for it. My wife even walked a couple of the hills when she practiced it because they were so daunting, but was able to run them in the race. You can do it!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    You must feel terrific!!!!
    I am pre-running my 5K race route tomorrow just to check it out and to try to calm some of the jitters. The actual race is on May 4th. All my more experienced runner friends have told me to just stay calm and run my own race so I don't go too fast and fizzle out early. I'm sloooow (42:00 is my PB for the distance) but this will be my first actual race. I think it might be hard to not get carried away with the excitement.

    Congratulations on your awesome time!!!! WOOT! WOOT!

    Thanks! I do feel terrific! Still flying high... though my legs are sore! My PB before the race was 40 on level surfaces, and 42 on that course (it's hilly and steep). It was the adrenaline, excitement, others' paces that shaved off all that time for sure. Don't be surprised if you catch yourself going too fast in the beginning. I did, as the masses pulled away from me and I was DEAD last for the first half mile. Then I slowed down and found my pace, and when the hills hit and I was going steady, I slowly passed folks. I still finished in the bottom 10%, but I ran the whole thing, and I was a very "steady turtle". I pushed the last quarter mile hard and finished strong, and mostly, I accomplished what I never thought I could... Good luck on the 4th, I'll be thinking of you! Oh, and I did practice the race route, so did my wife... we both feel it helped us a lot just to have a feel for it. My wife even walked a couple of the hills when she practiced it because they were so daunting, but was able to run them in the race. You can do it!

    I ran my race course hills and all tonight in 42:00 with no walking. YAY! I am a slow and steady turtle too. Actually the hills weren't as bad as I thought they would be. They somehow looked worse from the car. So I feel better. I was still the last to finish in my little group of 6 people tonight. Oh, well. Hopefully there will be a few slower ones on race day! :smile:
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member

    I ran my race course hills and all tonight in 42:00 with no walking. YAY! I am a slow and steady turtle too. Actually the hills weren't as bad as I thought they would be. They somehow looked worse from the car. So I feel better. I was still the last to finish in my little group of 6 people tonight. Oh, well. Hopefully there will be a few slower ones on race day! :smile:

    YAY!!! I thought maybe at least there'd be walkers I could pass... but some of the walkers were quite quick! But yes, you will have company, just resolve to be proud of yourself no matter what... for showing up, for being seen, for doing your best. Nice practice run, sounds like you did great, and good luck!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Being a steady turtle is something to be proud of. It shows that you know how to run and it gives you a great base for going longer distances and building up speed. Congratulations!