New to Endo ....Begining Stages

IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
Ever since I was 15 I have been on various types of birth control due to severe period symptoms.
Back then my doctor mentioned it was probably Endo.
Anyways, BC was very successful at "curing" all period symptoms.

so here I am 31 years old and I know I want kids in the future so I have started tapering off my BC.
I noticed mild period symptoms within months....then one day I was getting ready for worked and i went to sit on the couch to put on my shoes and it felt like I had sat on a knife!
I cried and crawled to the bathroom...I didnt know what to do and the pain was underable. Needless to say I quickly realized the areas the pain was coming from and i couldnt believe how severe it was.
I am on a VERy tight budget and couldnt afford a ER visit, so I looked online and was quickly reminded about my ENDo warning when i was a kid.

So it said if I took Birth Control and if the pain stopped.....that would be ENDo.
Long stoy short, I took two pills that morning and by the next day.... NOTHING.

I am relieved that it stopped, but now I ma faced with the begining stages of endo.
If I dont take my BC at the same time everyday..... I immediatley feel symptoms start creeping up.

So far I have experienced:
Sharp pains
Cramps that radiate thru to my back and down my thighs
Muscle tightness
Pain going to the bathroom
Feeling feverish
Feeling anxiety or grumpiness

Please give me any advice or symptoms you have and advice of how to cope.

All of this is very scary.
I know I am lucky to put it off the long,but I definitely want to do ANYTHING I can to put off/prevent/ and remedy symptoms.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
