Losing more than anticipated; need math help for true TDEE!!

soobeth Posts: 8 Member
So, this week I've consistently eaten 1800 calories per day. Today was weigh-in, and I'm 1.5lbs down. In maths terms, is there a way to use these numbers to calculate what I'd theoretically maintain on? I wouldn't know where to start to work out these numbers, so all help would be massively appreciated!


  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    What you would want to do to confirm that you are actually losing weight at that intake, is wait another week for another week weigh in. If you lose more weight and the weight lost is assumed to be all fat, multiply the amount of weight lost by 3500, then multiply 1800 by 14. Then add the sum of the amount of weight lost by 3500 and 1800 by 14. then divide that by 14 and you've got your tdee.
  • mmctaw
    mmctaw Posts: 30 Member
    Just input your height, weight, and other optional information in this calculator: http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/

    You can ignore the other tabs (it's some Intermittent Fasting related items) but the items on the "Basic Info" tabs would be useful for you. If you hover over or click on any of the terms in that page you'll see an explanation in an explanation section near the bottom left of that page.

    Good luck making progress towards your fitness goals!
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Heybales helped me figure out my true TDEE in this thread using 3 weeks of data:
