Cant stick to plan :(



  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Just think about when you can be reunited with a nice bowl of fruit! Or a Subway sandwich! I think about when I reach my goal I'm going to add in a nice 6 inch sub (no mayo, of course...) haha.


    I was thinking the other day that the worst part of going off plan was that i remembered the taste of BREAD. Remember the good old days when we were convinced that fat was a demon and if only we would eat fat free, we'd be so thin? I ate pasta for breakfast lunch and dinner and ate a bunch of snackwells and gained 10 lbs. I miss THOSE days.
  • sstratto01
    sstratto01 Posts: 23
    If you really miss bread there are some options on Medifast. Check the recipes online (search the forums). People have used oatmeal and soup to make patties that could be used as hamburger buns. I never did that but thought about it.

    I did use the oatmeal to create muffins - they were OK especially when I used a small amount of sugar free jelly. I never could get mine to rise (I tired 3 different types of baking powder).

    I did use the medifast snack crackers to create a crispy coating for baked chicken. I still am looking for a chicken parm recipe that is low in carb (for the coating).

    Sandy's Kitchen has a number of great recipes.

    Just some ideas.

  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    If you use oatmeal to make hamburg patties, then that's having one meal at same time as the lean n green? I've only been on 4 wks so don't know. Thanks.
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    If you use oatmeal to make hamburg patties, then that's having one meal at same time as the lean n green? I've only been on 4 wks so don't know. Thanks.

    It sure sounds like it.

    I will have to try that - by my calculations, when I make hamburgers for my L&G, I end up with two hamburger patties. If I spread those out into two 'meals' each with an oatmeal 'bun', and then had my green either split into two alongside those meals, or completely separately....that might make for a lovely, rather filling day!

    For clarity, what I imagine that would look like would be:
    #1 - MF meal
    #2 - MF meal
    #3 - Burger with MF oatmeal 'bun'
    #4 - MF meal
    #5 - Burger with MF oatmeal 'bun'
    #6 - Green salad

    And that would be my 5 MF meals, and my L&G, only spread out. If the salad joined my burgers, then I'd only eat 5 times that day.

    Does that help with the mental picture of it all?

    Great idea, really....can't wait to try it. :-)