First week of PUSH!

About to do first Push workout today. Enjoyed Burn though never got into the cardio workouts so on those days I walked or did kettlebell swings. Not lost weight but there is a small reduction in the measurements around my hips and navel. I feel better though generally so that can only be a good thing.

The plan for the next 30 days:
Push 3x a week
Cardio days do kettlebell swings (I am starting at 15 mins and working up endurance)
Also make sure I get 10,000 steps in - this seems to make a big difference to my tdee.
Aim for average of 1600 calories per day and hopefully see a shift in the scale! (its getting me down that its not moved yet)

That looks like my kind of exercise plan!
Any tips from those who know welcome!


  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Sounds like a great plan. I am on week 3 of PUSH and love it. My tip to you for Push is GO HEAVY. Go heavier than you think you can do. It's only 6-8 reps. Feels so good to go heavy!! I like the cardio she has and do that twice a week. I also love Recharge and the 2 ab videos. I'm finding my body is changing in front of my eyes. It's pretty cool!! Definitely need to eat at least 1600 to make sure you're getting enough fuel. Enjoy!!
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    That sounds great! I love kettlebell swings!
    I will be starting PUSH next week and can't wait to move on. I only have weights up to 10 lbs though so I'm worried that's not going to cut it......
  • eileenmetz
    eileenmetz Posts: 19 Member
    sounds awesome!! i start push on tuesday, i cant wait. i need to get a set of 25 lb dumb bells before than though.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I upped my weights quite a bit in Push. I'm up to 22 1b dumbbells for some exercises and could probably get to 25 1bs for squats. I feel so strong doing Push!!