Stage 1 Seated Rows

NavyMommy Posts: 102 Member
I am REALLY excited to get started this morning with stage 1 :) I just have a question about the seated rows. From the illustrations in the book it looks like she's using an adjustable cable and sitting on the floor with a plate to keep her feet out enough?

We do have one of those at the gym, but I've never seen anyone do that before. There is also the machine there that looks like this although a better, more updated version and you can adjust the weight in 5lb increments. Is this the same thing? Can I use this machine in place of what she's doing? Thanks!!


  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
    I can't speak for what is the "right" thing to do officially, but any time I'm at the gym there is a line around the corner to get to the machines that can adjust for floor seated rows. I have done overhead rows and recently, mid rows instead. I've increased strength in those areas and I think that is the goal! You will find here that many women doing this program make substituions for a variety of reasons, and still see results! As long as you have good form, and are working the same muscle group, I'd say you are good to go.