there any hope?



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member

    If only everyone was ready for marriage when they got married right? There's so much pressure from parents, family and society to hurry up and get married or youre a failure, that people bend under pressure and hurry up and fall in line.

    I dont think thats a good reason to get married.

    When I get married I hope that I will have someone by my side that is also always changing. If I marry someone and they stop being the person that I fell in love with and start being someone else and im all alone again AND trapped in a marriage - I'd be scared. like actually, trapped scared and not sure what to do, how to go about fixing it and making anything better without hurting anyone. So should I stay quiet and hope he comes around again after a few years and just forget about my needs or... what? what if i talk to him and he doesnt care?

    I agree there is too much societal pressure on people. They should not get married until they are ready....screw what anyone else thinks. As to your question, it's not necessarily might be you who change and they remain the same. At that point you have a couple of options.......#1 - try to talk about it.....try to work it out.....too many times issues are caused because people simply won't communicate. #2 - Analyze if you are ok staying together even if you are different....(can you imagine life without each other). #3 - If you can't and you can't work it out (or choose not to) then you look into getting a divorce..........Hopefully you have not had any kids........
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    If only everyone was ready for marriage when they got married right? There's so much pressure from parents, family and society to hurry up and get married or youre a failure, that people bend under pressure and hurry up and fall in line.

    I dont think thats a good reason to get married.

    When I get married I hope that I will have someone by my side that is also always changing. If I marry someone and they stop being the person that I fell in love with and start being someone else and im all alone again AND trapped in a marriage - I'd be scared. like actually, trapped scared and not sure what to do, how to go about fixing it and making anything better without hurting anyone. So should I stay quiet and hope he comes around again after a few years and just forget about my needs or... what? what if i talk to him and he doesnt care?

    I agree there is too much societal pressure on people. They should not get married until they are ready....screw what anyone else thinks. As to your question, it's not necessarily might be you who change and they remain the same. At that point you have a couple of options.......#1 - try to talk about it.....try to work it out.....too many times issues are caused because people simply won't communicate. #2 - Analyze if you are ok staying together even if you are different....(can you imagine life without each other). #3 - If you can't and you can't work it out (or choose not to) then you look into getting a divorce..........Hopefully you have not had any kids........

    I'm sorry, I hope this doesn't sound mean; your paragraph looks like it has asthma and it's making me giggle uncontrollably. :laugh:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    but at the same time, especially these days, divorce doesnt mean an end to having a person in your life. Especially if yall have a throng of kiddos together whom you both love with all your heart. It doesnt mean an end to friendship or an end to memories together or an erasure of all your history together. It just means, ok - this was once optimal for us both and now one or both of us is hurting because of it. I may be the one to change and then what if he feels like he is all alone and isnt getting what he needs from me or he cant be himself with me. I would hope he could tell me. I would hope that I would understand. I would hope that neither of us would feel like a trapped failure just because we stay together for the same reasons that got us married in the first place, expectations and outside pressure to conform.

    Its what really scares me about marriage.

    That it has to be LIKE THIS. Im no good at being what society demands of me, or fitting into a cookie cutter. I couldnt get married because I was 25 and it was time to get married and make babies according to my parents and the rest of the world and the media and the entire set of preceding generations (tons of whom grew old and bitter with regret and anger and resentment). And even if I did do that, OR get married for the right reasons, I couldnt stay married just because that same set of people now have laid another heavy set of expectations and standards and youre supposed to's on me that dont even take ME into consideration.

    isnt it about individuals and not the general rules when it comes to love. it's a big scary thing and Im assuming it should be. I wouldnt ever rush in OR OUT of a marriage and I dont think that what the rest of the world expects from me should take precedence over what the two of us would need in order to be happy. Doesnt make anyone a failure, just ...

    I dont think a person should feel guilty for changing and not being the same person they were when they were 25, that's all :(
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member

    If only everyone was ready for marriage when they got married right? There's so much pressure from parents, family and society to hurry up and get married or youre a failure, that people bend under pressure and hurry up and fall in line.

    I dont think thats a good reason to get married.

    When I get married I hope that I will have someone by my side that is also always changing. If I marry someone and they stop being the person that I fell in love with and start being someone else and im all alone again AND trapped in a marriage - I'd be scared. like actually, trapped scared and not sure what to do, how to go about fixing it and making anything better without hurting anyone. So should I stay quiet and hope he comes around again after a few years and just forget about my needs or... what? what if i talk to him and he doesnt care?

    I agree there is too much societal pressure on people. They should not get married until they are ready....screw what anyone else thinks. As to your question, it's not necessarily might be you who change and they remain the same. At that point you have a couple of options.......#1 - try to talk about it.....try to work it out.....too many times issues are caused because people simply won't communicate. #2 - Analyze if you are ok staying together even if you are different....(can you imagine life without each other). #3 - If you can't and you can't work it out (or choose not to) then you look into getting a divorce..........Hopefully you have not had any kids........

    I'm sorry, I hope this doesn't sound mean; your paragraph looks like it has asthma and it's making me giggle uncontrollably. :laugh:

    Ha. Please. I don't get offended easily. :-P
  • BeinAwesome247
    BeinAwesome247 Posts: 257 Member
    I think that rushing into marriage because you want a wedding and society says you should be married and making babies by a certain time so you just pick someone and start doing those things is unwise.

    I think it could stifle personal development and lead to giving up.

    I think it's unfair to judge people who change after they are married as well.

    I struggle with this A LOT....thankfully the part of me that is willing to wait till I meet someone who I could see running wild WITH me instead of trying to change me always wins

    Having a daughter, I use to be under a lot of pressure to meet a good man and get married and settle down

    I've been a single mom now for 5yrs.
    The family has given up and leaving me be haha
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I don't think it's silly to get married... but I do think the notion that it's suppose to be a commitment for life is.

    Help me understand this... what's the point of getting married if it's not a life commitment? What other value does one get out of being married? I thought the "committed for life" thing was pretty much it, and event hat doesn't require marriage in the minds of most people today.

    The commitment was the original point of getting married... I don't think it works with life/society today. For proof look at divorce rates.

    So I guess the point of getting married now like many things is: It's just what people do.

    Question: Do you think that sort of commitment is actually impossible/really doesn't work in today's world (and if so, why?), or has it just become easier to walk away, without social disapprobation/non-financial consequences (talking about consequences to the two individuals involved, not kids/wider family, here), so fewer people are choosing to work hard at making their marriage/commitment last?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i still believe in it. I dont think it works for everyone or every couple and some people have to try a couple times before they find the right partner that it will work with. But I believe in it.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I used to think I did. now i'm not so sure. I think if you're willing to forgive and forget maybe but I don't think anyone is perfect and someone is bound to mess up (cheat) or develop bad habits (or go back to new ones (smoking, drinking, etc).

    I think nowadays people are less willing to compromise and make it work than they used to be. just my 2 cents tho. Not saying its impossible.