Goals for the week 4/22

spatticus Posts: 230 Member
Once I get to the grocery store Wednesday I will be able to hit my macros better - still eating too many carbs for my liking. And finally all the wine is out of the house so no alcohol this week either! :) Turbofire as usual, WITH weight training 3 days this week and maybe a run twice or thrice. Goals for you?


  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    My goals this week:

    3 x 3 mile power walks
    3 x yoga practices
    1 x swim
    At least 5 portions of fruit & veg a day, every day
    Stay within my calories every day.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Continue staying under goal till im back to my goal. Lol. Continue lifting. Happy Monday everybody!
  • mnm424
    mnm424 Posts: 259 Member
    Yoga every night
    Cardio/Circuit Training at the least 4 days this week.
    Stay within my macro's
    Try not to eat chocolate every damn day lol *sigh* :brokenheart:
    Oh and try some cauliflower for dinner sometime this week bc I have never eaten it.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Oh and try some cauliflower for dinner sometime this week bc I have never eaten it.

    Don't be shy about trying cauliflower. Lots of chewing w/ few calories.

    Training plan for this week: The fun part!

    Mon - strength work w/trainer - done
    Tues - run. longer speed intervals (15min blocks)
    Wed - strength homework
    Thurs - run. ladder blocks.
    Fri - easy run
    Sat - longer run

    Food Plan this week: The challenge!
    Focus on fat grams to stay closer to 45 grams/day. Average daily total lately has been too high.
  • mljacobs23
    mljacobs23 Posts: 38 Member
    Going to be a busy week at work, so my goal is to not use it as an excuse to skip morning workouts. Plan to go to the gym at least three days (one down two to go) and walk the other two days. Fell off on my water drinking a little last week so still working on that this week. Maybe work on getting a little more fruit and vegetables into the rotation
  • mnm424
    mnm424 Posts: 259 Member
    Oh and try some cauliflower for dinner sometime this week bc I have never eaten it.

    Don't be shy about trying cauliflower. Lots of chewing w/ few calories.

    Training plan for this week: The fun part!

    Mon - strength work w/trainer - done
    Tues - run. longer speed intervals (15min blocks)
    Wed - strength homework
    Thurs - run. ladder blocks.
    Fri - easy run
    Sat - longer run

    Food Plan this week: The challenge!
    Focus on fat grams to stay closer to 45 grams/day. Average daily total lately has been too high.

    Thanks I think I'm going to try it out tomorrow with some broccoli :smile:
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 208 Member
    Crazy week with clinicals. I'm just trying to plan out the food in advance and get by. So far 2/3 days have been good.
  • mnm424
    mnm424 Posts: 259 Member
    @kschr... good job!! Planning is always a good thing :)

    @djproulx........ I DID IT!!! I tried some cauliflower and broccoli yesterday for dinner and loved it!! I add a little bit of pepper, chopped it up and nom nom nom lmao. Thanks for you words of 'encouragement' I probably wouldn't have eaten it without them

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    nmn24 - Nice! Glad you enjoyed it. Since you did, let me give you an easy recipe: Take a whole head of caulflower, core out the bottom to remove green leaves, etc. place on cookie sheet. Brush or spray a light coating of olive oil, then a bit of salt, pepper and chili powder or similar seasoning (cajun rub, or any spice you like is good) Bake in 350 degree oven for an hour.
    When cooked, the result is a nicely browned head of cauliflower with a bit of spicy flavor. Very easy side dish to make.
  • mnm424
    mnm424 Posts: 259 Member
    oohhhhh!!!!!!! that sounds delicious!! I'm going to have to make that one day! Thank you!!!!!!!
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    ya that cauliflower sounds amazing!
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Well I didn't quite make my goals last week, life rather got in the way...

    I managed all 3 x 3 mile power walks, but only 2 out of my planned 3 yoga sessions. And I had to skip my swim as my daughter wasn't very well.

    I did well on my 5 a day though.

    Never mind, new week new start...