New To This Group!

miisznana Posts: 4 Member
So I decided I should introduce myself. I just joined the group and first time using MFP group section. A little about myself, I am 27 years old with a two year old daughter. Right now, my short term weight goal is 200lbs, I started last year at 288lbs and lost 10lbs but then fell off and went back to my old ways. I restarted my weight loss on January 11 at 278lbs and I'm currently at 250lbs. This has been the largest I've ever been so its been really hard for me to stay on track sometimes but I'm working through it day by day. I would love for some friends and people to talk to. Sorry, didn't mean for this to be so long but thought I would say Hi! :smile:


  • Starstamp
    Starstamp Posts: 47 Member

    This is great we both joined at the same time. I grew up in Boston but I know live in Sunny Florida.

    I think this time you are going to do it!!!!!
