Pregnant Runners Thread!



  • queenmolly68
    20 weeks along here, and every run is getting more and more excruciating. I ran 5 to 6 miles 4 days a week, now I am running 3-4 miles 6 days a week. I have to take it easy and my times are terrible, but at least I'm getting it in there. I keep telling myself pregnancy is not the time to train, and nothing is worth losing the baby. When I start to have too many contractions or it becomes too painful, I just stop. Hoping to be able to run for as long as possible, but given my last few runs, I will probably have to shelve it for now and stick to my elliptical and water aerobics. Oh, and I just got a Gabriella medium support maternity belt. It works great for keeping things from bouncing around and helps with the back pain. Only complaint is that it makes me feel like I have to pee the whole time I'm wearing it because it puts a lot of pressure on the bladder.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,685 Member
    I'm just about 12 weeks and am struggling with low energy levels. I did 5km yesterday (slowly) and had to have a big afternoon sleep to recover! I know I will get my mojo back soon but in the interim I know I'm losing fitness. So frustrating. The fact that its the middle of winter here and has been cold , wet and windy is not helping at all. Build up for the Auckland Half with my running club starts in two weeks, I just hope I'm re-energised by then!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I am somewhat new to running and 8 weeks pregnant, but really hoping to keep improving. I just finished couch to 5k so I think I'm definitely one of the lightweights here ;) but I'm hooked on my morning runs, even with the first trimester fog.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    27 weeks and just ran this morning! I am surprised every time I am able to do it, especially since I have so many low back disk issues. I only run one mile at a time for a grand total of two miles, but I am ok with that. My main focus is lifting, so the cardio is an added bonus to keep me in shape for the birth. My mile is just under 11 minutes, so that is better than I expected to be at this point.

    I plan on keeping at it as long as possible and doing the elliptical on days when I have hip or back issues. Cannot wait to get back after baby makes his exit though. So exciting!
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,685 Member
    27 weeks and just ran this morning! I am surprised every time I am able to do it, especially since I have so many low back disk issues. I only run one mile at a time for a grand total of two miles, but I am ok with that. My main focus is lifting, so the cardio is an added bonus to keep me in shape for the birth. My mile is just under 11 minutes, so that is better than I expected to be at this point.

    I plan on keeping at it as long as possible and doing the elliptical on days when I have hip or back issues. Cannot wait to get back after baby makes his exit though. So exciting!

    Good work. Keep it up!
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    27 weeks and just ran this morning! I am surprised every time I am able to do it, especially since I have so many low back disk issues. I only run one mile at a time for a grand total of two miles, but I am ok with that. My main focus is lifting, so the cardio is an added bonus to keep me in shape for the birth. My mile is just under 11 minutes, so that is better than I expected to be at this point.

    That's fantastic! My mile time went from about 8.5 minutes pre-pregnancy to now more than 12. And it just keeps getting slower each run. :frown:
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Nice work with the running, @rubyann125!

    I'm with you @sarah2002, my pace gets slower and slower, mostly becuase I have to take more walk breaks and stop for the bathroom! Then again, I was never speedy beforehand.
  • tallulahalice
    tallulahalice Posts: 19 Member
    16 weeks pregnant and doing a max of 10K three times per week. I was already starting to get sore in my lower pelvis after each run. I did a bit of research online and have just invested in a "smiley belt" support belt (NZ made product).

    First trial run done and so far, so good - let's see how long I can keep plodding :)