New Friends

Hey there.. I'm new to MFP, am 43, roughly 80 lbs overweight, and am trying to get my motivation back up without burning out. Are there a few ppl in my same sort of situation (size/motivation) that would like to send me an invite? I just need a little more interaction than 2 active friends :))

I was walking 3 miles/day x 5-6 days/week in 2011 and lost almost 25 lbs without actively trying to diet. It's amazing what a little effort can do for you! Good luck to all of you!



  • ForABetterMe89
    I'm not exactly in the same boat, I'm 23 with 30-40 lbs to lose, so far I've lost 18 of those. Feel free to send me a request. I'm on every day, log to the best of my ability and really try to motivate my friends, especially ones who are willing to motivate me back.
  • maggieyork
    Encouragement makes my heart smile. : )