Stage 1 Results

Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
Finished Stage 1 yesterday and here are my results. Very happy with the strength gains and had fun too :)) which is key :bigsmile: .

Weight: 143.00 ----> 141.8 (-1.20 lbs)
BF%: 26.25% ----> 25.25% ( -1% )
Waist:  28.50 ---> 27.2 ( -1.3 )
Abdomen: 31.00 ----> 29.5 ( -1.5 )
Hips:  40.50 ----> 40.0 ( -0.5)

Strength Gains: Workout A & B

Squat: 70# ---> 115#
Push Ups:  Bench ---> Floor WOOHOO
Seated Row: 65# ---> 90#
Step-ups: 30# ---> 40#
Deadlift: 60# ---> 115#
DB Shoulder Press: 30# ---> 45#
Pullover: 30# ---> 40#
Lunges: 30# total ---> 40#
Will start stage 2 next week. Looking fwd to that :happy:
