April 24-Weigh in 2 of Second Challenge

DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
Original SW: 142
April17: 141.5
April24: 139.5

GWfor Challenge: 134
UltimateGW: 125

Still unable to workout, much less walk, so being very careful about calorie intake. Last week worked on cutting back sugars, this week working on cutting back on refined grains (breads and pastas and beer!) Hope everyone has a good scale day today :)


  • nightdragon70
    nightdragon70 Posts: 94 Member
    SW: 216
    GW: 210

    April 17 - 216

    April 24 - 215

    Only down a pound, but just started up the home workouts again last night, so I'm expecting that last 5 to do just fine by the end of the challenge.. Keep up the hard work everyone !
  • LydiaShackelford
    LydiaShackelford Posts: 93 Member
    4/10 - 161.4
    4/17 - 158.6
    4/24 - 157

    Week 2 Loss: 1.6
    Total Loss: 4.4

  • finallydetermined
    finallydetermined Posts: 70 Member
    Starting weight for 2nd challenge - 185
    GW 179 for this challenge

    4/16 - 181.6
    4/24 - 178

    New goal weight for this challenge 175!
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    SW: 174.0
    GW: 169.9

    April 17 : 172.8
    April 24 : 170.8
    May 1
    May 8

    YES! YES! YES!

    It actually said 169.8 on my scale today, but I think it's lying to me...so I'm going with 1 lb higher.
  • SW: 110
    4/17: 110
    4/24: 109.4


    I only got to the gym 1 time during the week (I wanted to go twice), so I am going to make that my goal again this week.
  • marksvizz
    marksvizz Posts: 33

    My scale is moving again after trying to eat more, been stuck in the 182 for a month! Very Happy!!!!
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    CW 112.0

    Not complaining since I've been doing some emotional eating. My dad passed away on Monday, so lots of gatherings and lots of pity parties to go to. Trying to run when I feel like eating but if anyone has any other ideas for emotional eating let me know.

    But on a very positive side, I've had lots of opportunitites to share MFP with family members while sitting vigil with my dad. I come from a big family that eat a lot of garbage processed food and don't exercise. I have 3 officially starting MFP already and more considering it.
  • jlg6599
    jlg6599 Posts: 162 Member
    SW: 204.4

    March 20: 200.8
    March 27: 200.4
    April 3: 199.6
    April10: 198.6

    April 17: 198.2
    April 24: 197.4
  • jzbjjm
    jzbjjm Posts: 30
    Original SW (4/10) 200

    4/17: 198
    4 24: 199

    Oh well I've gained a pound. that's how it goes, up and down. I praise God it's only a pound that's easy to get off. I have just recently began to workout again (other than walking to work) therefore I should see some better results next week.

    My Goal is 192 however if I reach 195 I will be pleased. Any weight loss is a blessing.

    Great job everyone, if you had a bad week it's ok just get back up and continue to do what you do, we all have bad days and weeks but don't give up just keep moving forward.
  • CW 112.0

    Not complaining since I've been doing some emotional eating. My dad passed away on Monday, so lots of gatherings and lots of pity parties to go to. Trying to run when I feel like eating but if anyone has any other ideas for emotional eating let me know.

    But on a very positive side, I've had lots of opportunitites to share MFP with family members while sitting vigil with my dad. I come from a big family that eat a lot of garbage processed food and don't exercise. I have 3 officially starting MFP already and more considering it.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. My dad passed away 3 years ago May 29 - three years ago I was sitting vigil in a hospital while we waited. In the midst of all the sadness huge NSV for you. Prayers and hugs!!
  • SW = 212.4
    April 17 = 211
    April 24 = 211
    May 1 =
    May 8 =

    GW = 207.4

    No change but yesterday was a bugger of a day. Pizza buffet for lunch with a client and pizza for supper for an event I was facilitating. I was pretty impressed though - I know I kept it under 1800-1900 calories which is only about 600 over for me. Wasn't able to work out yesterday either though I did do an hour this morning. Trying to quit obsessing about weight though as that's not the utlimate goal for me - better health and flexibility is my ultimate.

    Good job everybody! There is a lot of success here ... both on the scale and NSV's!!
  • jess_goobie
    jess_goobie Posts: 133 Member
    cw 217

    had a tough week of bad eating, hope the rest of this week goes better
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    CW 112.0

    Not complaining since I've been doing some emotional eating. My dad passed away on Monday, so lots of gatherings and lots of pity parties to go to. Trying to run when I feel like eating but if anyone has any other ideas for emotional eating let me know.

    But on a very positive side, I've had lots of opportunitites to share MFP with family members while sitting vigil with my dad. I come from a big family that eat a lot of garbage processed food and don't exercise. I have 3 officially starting MFP already and more considering it.

    Sorry to hear of your loss :( Glad to hear that you have had a chance to inspire family to lead a healthier lifestyle. >hugz<
  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    This morning I got a nice little surprise 204.8 only 0.2 lbs lost but I wasn't expecting anything much. I've added strength training before and flexibility training after to try and round off my workouts better.

    SW: 207 (I cant remember when I started)
    CW: 204.8
  • So today is my official WI day and today I lost 1.5 pounds. Can I still count it towards the challenge?? LOL
  • jzbjjm
    jzbjjm Posts: 30
    CW 112.0

    Not complaining since I've been doing some emotional eating. My dad passed away on Monday, so lots of gatherings and lots of pity parties to go to. Trying to run when I feel like eating but if anyone has any other ideas for emotional eating let me know.

    But on a very positive side, I've had lots of opportunitites to share MFP with family members while sitting vigil with my dad. I come from a big family that eat a lot of garbage processed food and don't exercise. I have 3 officially starting MFP already and more considering it.

    I'm am sorry for your loss and I will keep you and your family in my prayers. That's wonderful that were able to get 3 of your family members to join MFP and be an inspiration to the rest of the family and friends. Let God be your strength and he will help you through this tough time, God Bless :):flowerforyou:
  • sugah11
    sugah11 Posts: 156 Member
    Wed weight: 200.0
  • sd0104
    sd0104 Posts: 40 Member
    Eek! Didn't realize there was a second challenge... so here's my stats

    Weight at the end of the 1st challenge 158.
    weight April 17 - 155
    Weight April 24 - 154
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Great job everyone, half way there and half way through the weekend! Stay strong. Stay committed. We can do this! :smile:
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    CW 112.0

    Not complaining since I've been doing some emotional eating. My dad passed away on Monday, so lots of gatherings and lots of pity parties to go to. Trying to run when I feel like eating but if anyone has any other ideas for emotional eating let me know.

    But on a very positive side, I've had lots of opportunitites to share MFP with family members while sitting vigil with my dad. I come from a big family that eat a lot of garbage processed food and don't exercise. I have 3 officially starting MFP already and more considering it.

    I'm am sorry for your loss and I will keep you and your family in my prayers. That's wonderful that were able to get 3 of your family members to join MFP and be an inspiration to the rest of the family and friends. Let God be your strength and he will help you through this tough time, God Bless :):flowerforyou:

    Thanks. Sorry just saw this now. Not sure when you posted it but I do really appreciate the support and you're right God gives me strength daily!!