No app for android users :(

Erod1972 Posts: 34 Member
Hi all,

I just joined this group, I have been lifting for 25 years and have done these basic movements off and on for a long time. I am planning on joining another gym that has a proper squat rack. (my current one has only smith machines-think Planet Fitness) I wanted to log my progress meticulously like I am logging my Macros on this site. I went to the SL 5X5 websit, became a member, and went to the app store and...doh! They only have it for iphone users :grumble: Does anyone know of a suitable app for your Android based operating sytem that mimics the official SL 5X5 app? Without copyright infringement of course. If you do I would love to know about it so I can reboot and inject some life into my old tired workout with some old school weight training!



  • acewamp
    acewamp Posts: 5 Member
    I use Lifting Buddy, it is designed to be used for Stronglifts.. It has worked great for me.
  • winf
    winf Posts: 764 Member
    LiftBig and Strong Log. There is also some other 3rd party Strong Lifts 5x5 on google play store. I use lift big, it keeps up with all you increases, stalls, and deloads in accordance to the stronglifts program, even switches you to 3x5 after 2 deloads. With strong log you can add other exercises and use it more like a notebook to track weight, sets, and reps. Strong log would be good for when you advance beyond 3x5 on stronglifts and start doing an intermediate routine.
  • Erod1972
    Erod1972 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the replies. Liftbig seems to be the app as close to the SL 5X5 method. Like winf says it has the deloads and also switches to 3X5. I think I'm going to go with that one. Thanks again.