
Hey, My name's Andrea, i'm 21 and starting Insanity for the first time next month, I'm currently doing the 30 day shred, and looking for a bit harder of a challenge when I am done that, and from talking to numerous people, found that Insanity would be a great next step for me. So welcome everyone, and I look forward to doing this challenge with you al.


  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    Hey I'm Jess, 19 starting my first round of insanity ever on 6th may!
    Can't wait to see how bad and then good I get!
  • Eldubya488
    Eldubya488 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Lisa and I'll be doing Insanity for the first time starting Sunday, May 5th. I have about 30 to 35 lbs I would like to lose before my wedding in mid October, and I'm hoping that a challenge will do the trick :) I've done other Beachbody workouts in the past (Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme and Combat ) and I've loved every single one of them, so I'm hoping I'll enjoy this one just as much! Is there anyone else starting on the 5th? When is everyone else starting? I would love to check in on a daily basis to keep each other accountable and offer any support. I'm very excited to start and help you guys get through the program as well :)
  • Eldubya488
    Eldubya488 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Andrea! :) Which day were you planning on starting the program?
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    Hi Andrea! :) Which day were you planning on starting the program?

    I'm thinking i'll be starting the 9th, as i'm done 30 day shred on the 8th, I may take a day off just to relax and actually take a day to myself, but knowing me that won't happen! haha
  • heathermerrill1
    heathermerrill1 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! My name is Heather. I plan to start insanity on May 1. My 29th birthday is on May 30, and on April 1, when I realized that I was 60 days away from my birthday, I decided to stop making excuses and started doing the 30 day shred. I have impressed myself that I have been able to stick with it, only missing one day of each level for valid reasons (not laziness). For the first seven days I did not monitor my food intake and didn't lose weight, but have been tracking food and exercise since then. I am on day 25 and lost 3 lbs, but I am not nearly as concerned with the scale as I am with how I feel in my own skin. My goal weight is 130, so I am 33 lbs away, I dont expect to lose that all in the next 3o days, but I do hope to make a dent at least.

    I only have the first 5 videos, so I appreciate the links to the rest that you have posted on Youtube! I look foward to the insanity journey, and am ready to dig deep with the rest of you and appreciate all your support! KCCO!
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    Hi! My name is Heather. I plan to start insanity on May 1. My 29th birthday is on May 30, and on April 1, when I realized that I was 60 days away from my birthday, I decided to stop making excuses and started doing the 30 day shred. I have impressed myself that I have been able to stick with it, only missing one day of each level for valid reasons (not laziness). For the first seven days I did not monitor my food intake and didn't lose weight, but have been tracking food and exercise since then. I am on day 25 and lost 3 lbs, but I am not nearly as concerned with the scale as I am with how I feel in my own skin. My goal weight is 130, so I am 33 lbs away, I dont expect to lose that all in the next 3o days, but I do hope to make a dent at least.

    I only have the first 5 videos, so I appreciate the links to the rest that you have posted on Youtube! I look foward to the insanity journey, and am ready to dig deep with the rest of you and appreciate all your support! KCCO!

    Welcome! you have fantastic motivation, and i'm glad you joined the group to contribute some of that motivation to others too! Can't wait to start this journey.
  • MelissaOnPurpose
    MelissaOnPurpose Posts: 111 Member
    Hey all!...I wasn't going to join the group b/c I actually started on Thursday but saw that someone else is on day 4 so I thought why not?!?! :) Anyways, I did the fit test at lunch time and I'm already feeling it...Can't wait to see if I can walk when I get up in the morning! ;)

    I am 36 (hard to type that number!), a mother to one little boy (4 years old), married for 10 years (on May 17th), and live in OKC! This is my first time doing Insanity and I am scared! This fear has actually kept me from doing it for almost one year. I had bought the program for my hubby last year around this time but he never did it...Anyways, maybe he'll want to once he sees my results! ;)

    I have been on this weight loss journey for awhile now but I'm not giving up...I have lost 60 lbs so far and still have about 90 to go. How did that even happen?!?!? Anyways, it's happening...Slowly but surely!

    P.S. Hope you don't mind that I invited myself to the group! ;) Have a GREAT day everyone!
  • me6288
    me6288 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Ika, and I'm really excited to be doing this with y'all! I will begin my insanity on the 1st :)
    I hope we can all help motivate each other through out the program.

    Good luck & have fun,

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Thanks for starting this group. I've finally given in and purchased the program. I'll turn 5.0. soon and wanted to be in shape for the big day. I have 15 lbs to reach my goal weight of 115, and would like to tone as well.

    Best of luck to everyone!!!!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Hey ya'll! I'm Jessica, just finished day 2 (week one). WOW.. All I gotta say. This is HARD! LOL.. Not admitting anything, but there might have been some yelling going on... Oh, and I hate cardio.. Just saying... Hope I'm I able to make it all the way through this! I'm on my last 20? or so pounds. I'm 5'0" ~130#. I'm not real concerned with the scale. Mostly, I'd just like to be able to get rid of all the clothes in my closet, and be TONED! LOL. I measured myself, and I found a pair of pants that I'd LOVE to wear. I have about 40" total to lose.. WTH?! Really!? So, I'm going to push through this insanity, and hopefully, be able to wear those pants.. (and have an excuse to go shopping!)