This is Probably the Trillionth "BELLY" Post

Well, here it is: I hate my belly.
Apparently, it loves the you-know-what outta me, because it just refuses to let me go.
I've done the research, I've asked the questions, I drink water, cut down on sodium, workout with weights, cardio, circuit name it. I don't "only" do crunches. I make sure I get enough fiber (is there ever too much??).
I can see all over my body the changes that are being made because of exercise. Except for my belly.
I think it's purposely being defiant. I think it's totally flipping me the bird! I swear in the shower this morning it grew even bigger right before my eyes.

I know there's no magic pill, no magical exercise. But, please, if there's anyone that has had this problem, and figured it out, let me know - throw me a bone. Do I go to the doctor? Is it hormones? Is it gluten?

If you haven't already noticed, I'm a bit upset about the whole thing. And going quite crazy.
I'd like to hear from anyone - even if you just want me to stop my whining and go to bed. :yawn:



  • penguinattackstudios
    penguinattackstudios Posts: 79 Member
    High intensity interval training is definitely the best workout for fat burning, and there are TONS of videos on youtube and whatnot. Also, with the tummy the best thing to do is to actually cut fat (but make sure you still have your healthy fats) down in your diet. The thing is, you already have your ab muscles! But the fat is what's covering them; by cutting down your intake it'll slim down the tummy and show off those already awesome abs you have.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I have the same issue. Ever since I had my daughter last year, my belly refuses to tone up. I have been working out 6 days a week since Feb. My legs and arms are looking much better, but my gut is still jiggly. I have lost 1.5 inches on my waist, but it's not toning up yet. Frustrating.

    All we can do is keep at it. I am trying to eat more protein and less carbs too. Hoping that will help.
  • clairemarie1016
    clairemarie1016 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in the same boat and it's driving me nuts!! I'm going to try lifting heavier weights to see if that helps at all. Also, I've been told to try upping my calories to kick start my metabolism...we'll see how it goes!
  • Thanks!
    I knew the last piece of the puzzle would come down to what I'm eating, as well as working out.
    My digestive system has always been on the slow side, so I'm really getting better with my water intake, and staying away from bread, sugar and the bad fats. And sodium - I am always surprised by the sodium levels in some foods that I thought were OK. Like spinach! Did you know spinach is high in sodium? I love spinach! So again, I try to drink, drink, drink that water. It's a good thing I like salmon and tuna! Controlling my eating habits is very hard. I know I have to do it and I try, but I usually either over-eat or choose the bad stuff. I'm also trying to add Flaxseed meal to my greek yogurt, too. I also started taking a probiotic.

    Open to any other tips....thanks!
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    I have been upping my protein and have added fiber supplements with a prebiotic (not probiotic). This helps me anyway!
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    It could be too much fibre, or at least too much of the foods containing fibre which also cause gas. Gas will give you a distended stomach.
  • I have been upping my protein and have added fiber supplements with a prebiotic (not probiotic). This helps me anyway!

    OK - Now this poses a new question (and I guess I should start learning...): what's the difference between a probiotic and a prebiotic?
    I actually have both: Fiber Choice Prebiotic Fiber Weight Management Supplement and Accuflora Probiotic Acidophilus. And I eat greek yogurt a few times a week, not daily. I've been taking the Fiber Choice almost daily (sometimes I forget, and when I do, I eat enough chewable tablets (strawberry - taste pretty good, thankfully) to equal about 6-6.5 grams of fiber. Then of course, I get more from the food I eat as well. I have not been taking the Accuflora regularly at all.

    Anyone know much about the -biotics? OK to take them together? I'm about to get my google on...:wink:
  • So the probiotic is the (good) bacteria and the prebiotic is the food for the probiotic.

    I also found this site and product. It's a combination of both. I've read that for some people, too much prebiotic (what I've been taking) does not agree with them and can cause gas and bloating (could be me!).

    For now, I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing with my workouts and food and cut back on the prebiotic and see if I notice a difference. I'm really sick of always feeling and looking bloated.
  • penguinattackstudios
    penguinattackstudios Posts: 79 Member
    I knew the last piece of the puzzle would come down to what I'm eating, as well as working out.
    My digestive system has always been on the slow side, so I'm really getting better with my water intake, and staying away from bread, sugar and the bad fats. And sodium - I am always surprised by the sodium levels in some foods that I thought were OK. Like spinach! Did you know spinach is high in sodium? I love spinach! So again, I try to drink, drink, drink that water. It's a good thing I like salmon and tuna! Controlling my eating habits is very hard. I know I have to do it and I try, but I usually either over-eat or choose the bad stuff. I'm also trying to add Flaxseed meal to my greek yogurt, too. I also started taking a probiotic.

    Open to any other tips....thanks!

    I hear ya there!! Controlling eating habits is incredibly difficult. I do pretty well at work (usually), but when I get home all self-restraint is OUT the window haha.

    Spinach isn't terrible in sodium, but it is more than I thought it would be, I think celery has a bit in it too, I was really surprised. Oh! And a great snack is frozen greek yogurt. It's a bit on the expensive side, but if I had to choose that or ice cream, frozen yogurt's the way to go.