Start or Wait??

GraeKat Posts: 23 Member
Hi All,

I bought this book almost a month ago and haven't started yet. I'm in the middle of Brazil Butt Lift and wanting to start my 2nd Round of Insanity next week. All that being said, I know it's not wise to try to do Insanity and NROL4W. I have some more weight i want to lose and Insanity helped a lot. . .BUT my husband and I are trying to conceive. So my question is. . . Don't worry about trying to lose weight by doing Insanity and just start lifting next week. . .or do Insanity for the 2 months (which would only be 10 weeks in so not too awkward). . and start NROL4W after the baby is born?

And for those who want to know why I want to lose weight before I get pregnant. . .well, I'd rather lose it and be more fit than I am now and just have that baby weight to get rid of. . as opposed to letting myself go and have to work 4 times as hard to lose both.



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    If you eat at a deficit you will lose weight doing NROL4W. And it will be fat, not muscle. What are your overall goals? If you want to lose fat while maintaining your lean mass so that your bf% goes down with your weight, a weight lifting program is essential. If you want to just lose weight (muscle and fat) and be in great cardiovascular shape, keep doing Insanity.
    Also good overall muscle tone is supposedly related to easier births:)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Well....the losing the muscle isn't 100% true. Yes you will lose some, that is inevitable. But, with Insanity, if you challenge yourself on the body weight exercises, then you could maintain a fair amount of your lean mass. Even those of us on a deficit while doing NROL will lose muscle, not as much as someone who isn't doing strength training, but we will still lose some.

    Ultimately, it will come down to doing what you want. I would talk to your doctor when you get pregnant. I know my coworker was doing Insanity up until like the 3rd month of her pregnancy, at which she shifted to Zumba and is currently still doing it at 8 months in. I honestly would probably chose Insanity if I were in your position. Just because I could continue it into the first few months (being careful of course and modifying when needed), where it is highly suggested to stop heavy lifting when you become pregnant because it can put strain on your muscles and cause injury to you or the child.

    But as soon as you are recovered I would suggest NROL4W.