
Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
I was paleo from November to beginning of March, and I have never felt better. In the beginning of March, I experienced health problems with both my parents (at one point they were both in a the hospital at once) and I fell off paleo. Things have calmed down enough that I really need to get back at it. However, I am having the hardest time with it. I know I feel amazing, I know it's better for me, I know I need to do it so I don't have the same health problems my parents are dealing with now. I start off great usually get through day one and two, then on day 3 my sugar monster attacks and I fold. Any pieces of advice, other than pull your big girl panties up and just do it?


  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    As I have fallen off the wagon so many times I have a good bit of advice..fat,fat,fat!
    I have been now following primal/paleo this time around from a more ketogenic perspective.Sugar is my demon and has been the most difficult thing to get off.I always relapse on sugar.Normally it takes 20 days or so and then I fall back.
    This time around,something has really changed for me and I can say that fat has been one of my best friends.
    I have recently started IF as well and only b/c fat keeps us full longer and it satisfies me.I have not thought about sugar in a very long time.I am no longer a slave to the demon.
    Anyway,that's only my perspective.I know you can get back on track.Good luck!
  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    Hehe, part of it is having to pull up your big girl panties! But don't beat yourself up, sugar is a really hard addiction to kick. Even in form of grains.

    Sugar and sweets have been my weakness all my life. Little background: Started paleo in November, Whole 30 in January, in the midst of another Whole 30. Whenever I just eat paleo, I find myself sneaking in more and more dark chocolate, paleo "treats" sweetened with honey or maple syrup, and next thing I know I'm craving sugar constantly and overeating. It's awful. When I do the Whole 30 challenge, sweets (and everything else, grains, soy, dairy) are off the table. Not an option. I don't even think twice about not eating them. It's so easy. And then I find myself craving them even less. (And....then I finish my Whole 30 and backslide....oops, it happens).

    So my advice? If you really are serious about kicking the sugar demon, try a Whole 30 challenge. Join up with a group on here to keep you motivated and accountable, or better yet, find a friend in the real world who will kick your butt if you reach for the cookie. The first week will suck, and once you get past that hump you'll be good as gold. You can do anything for 30 days!

    Or maybe the 21 Day Sugar Detox by Diane Sanfillipo? I've heard good things about that, I'd like to try it someday. I'm kind of an "all or nothing" person, so I am most successful when doing challenges like these.

    Oh, and as anjelevil said, FAT FAT FAT! Eat fat! And protein!
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Get rid of anything to satisfy that sugar monster with.... and don't go to a grocery store or convience store or vending machine unless you have just eaten and don't linger get your list and get out.
    Alway have a bag of nuts in your bag.... I always have a portioned bags of pistichios and cashews for me or my kids when that hunger monster rears it ulgy head.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Thank you for the responses!! I did Whole 30 in November and I think I'm going to start another one on Monday. I have another MPFer that going to do it with me to help with accountability.
  • jenfitz
    jenfitz Posts: 66 Member
    ....... I have a good bit of advice..fat,fat,fat!

    ^This! Fat is your friend! It satisfies and helps at those awful -gotta have it- moments. Try some fresh ground almond butter or coconut butter (makes great smoothies!) and if all else fails, have one or two squares of dark chocolate. Good luck!
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    CrazyCatLadylovescats Posts: 107 Member
    I have been mostly primal since last summer, but had a hard time with holidays and getting back on. Right now, I am doing a 21 day detox from sugar (in all of its forms) and must say that eating more fat, as in, at times, slices of butter, has really helped. I am doing this will some local FB ancestry eaters, and am posting each day, which holds me mostly accountable.

    The first time really kicked my butt, this time has not been as bad. And it feels so good to be back on track.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Some people are better with cold turkey - but I'm of the cut it back and keep cutting it back as it's the one I can stick to. If you are good at cold turkey, then the whole 30 I'm sure will be super.

    I prefer to make small changes. When I started I found that I needed dark choc to keep me on the straight and narrow. This needs to be really dark, I use 90% lindt but have settled for green and blacks 85% - I don't carry a whole bar but 1-2 squares, especially of the lindt, goes a very long way with a cup of tea/coffee. The second thing is snacks bagged up - at first I included sugar free dried fruit with my nuts, now it's just nuts...but at first the dried fruit helped me steer clear of the sugar in work.

    Finally, regardless of what I'm trying to eat/not eat, always always always have a suitable snack in my bag with me.