abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
Happy Friday Friends! Starting the thread before my bedtime since I'm a west coaster ... I don't want to hold up your plans for the day. What is your commitment for this fine Friday? Be sure to check back later and let the community know how it went.

Have a great day. :wink:


  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    I'm committed to a morning hike after I drop off the kiddie carpool at school and I will stay within my calories for dinner. Friday nights are always a challenge because we go out to dinner, but I WILL make good choices!
  • sophieburningham
    sophieburningham Posts: 56 Member
    I didn't go for my Friday swim today because my legs were aching from my tone up session yesterday. Instead I compromised by doing some youtube aerobic styled exercises, they have some leg movements in them but they aren't as intense as swimming would be. I managed 36 minutes (video minutes added up to that lol!) I'm getting all 4 of my walks to work and back in today totaling 4 miles, and plan to do another youtube exercise video when I get back from work in the evening. I've been making good calories so far today as well! Yay!
  • okishkash
    okishkash Posts: 142 Member
    The usual for me 10,000 steps and 10 floors
  • smittygirl
    smittygirl Posts: 36 Member
    Insanity + chalean extreme. Done
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Today's plan is a walk tonight after work, followed by the pushups/arm work out/ squats/ daily butt work out/ situps apps on my phone.... Strength day, I suppose I could call it :) TGIF INDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    I will either jog/walk with the dog, and since it is going to be so nice I want to get outside and clean out my flower beds! I am thinking about going to the gym later today to do some weights. Happy Friday :wink:
  • Elid84
    Elid84 Posts: 7 Member
    I want to stay within my calorie intake and to refrain from eating junk food
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    The usual for me- 45 mins Billy Blanks Celebrity fit cardio and 15 mins strength training. I've already done them this morning.
  • junkintrunk5
    junkintrunk5 Posts: 93 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!! I LOVE weekends:)

    Today, 30DS done.......and my goal is to try very hard to stay within my calorie goal. Friday is usually a night we eat out for dinner.

    It's so hard not to have a margarita:((
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    I checked my mountain bike last nite, the tires are flat, maybe i can fix them tonite and take a ride for an hour, or the alternative is hike that stupid hill for an hour.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Perfect day for biking outdoors (30 minutes). Drink 8 glasses of water. Increase potassium.
    Yesterday, I didn't bike as far as planned (needed help to get it down from it's winter spot, hanging from the ceiling). So I walked over a mile before that and then biked 10 minutes.
  • grk_tigris
    grk_tigris Posts: 48 Member
    My goal for today is to do a double workout since i didn't make it to the gym yesterday (fell asleep as soon as i got home from work). I will complete the first day of C25K training plan and then meet up with a friend for a strength training workout.
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone! :)

    April 26th's Commitment:
    -Get in 12,000 steps
    -Do the push-up app on my phone--with wall push ups to start with (I didn't make this goal yesterday)
  • cmbartos170
    cmbartos170 Posts: 17 Member
    I am taking the day off...that is my goal. Tomorrow is my birthday and people are bringing me all sorts of treats. I don't to be fretting about all of the calories - want to enjoy it.

    New day tomorrow
    Good luck everyone!
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    Working out with my personal trainer for an hour, this is the best work out of the week!! She really makes me "suffer" :mad: but at the end you feel it was so much worth every sweat :bigsmile: !! So I give it an hour of blood, sweat and tears!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • newtro0925
    newtro0925 Posts: 24 Member
    I will burn 300 calories and stay within my calorie goal. Happy Friday everyone.
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    I have completed my daily workout - 35 min run on treadmill and short arm workout. My challenge for today is to drink lots of water to ward off the hunger and for tonight......only 2 glasses of wine! OMG......that's going to be tough! Fridays are family steak night which always included a bottle of Merlot.

    TGIF everyone one and have a GREAT weekend!
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Today is my rest day, so I plan to pay extra attention to staying under my calories today!
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    I haven't decided if I want to do a 90 minutes elliptical time or 90 minutes outside, but considering half of my town has some flooding right now it will probably be elliptical and level 2 of 30DS.
  • TDABMama0617
    TDABMama0617 Posts: 29 Member
    Today I'll do day 3 of 30DS (I know it SHOULD be day 4 but I played volleyball hardcore last night and was sooo tired I didn't do it) and lots of laundry (carrying baskets up and down and up and down the stairs).

    Good luck everyone! Don't forget- weigh in is Sunday: keep up the hard work!

    (So many exclamation points! lol)