Just sampling the buffet



  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    The grass is always greener and so forth.

    The grass is always greener where you choose to water it.

    No amount of water will help if the seed was bad to begin with.

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!! I stand corrected and happy for it!

    Should have used BRAWNDO

    It has electrolytes. Plants crave them.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    The grass is always greener and so forth.

    The grass is always greener where you choose to water it.

    No amount of water will help if the seed was bad to begin with.

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!! I stand corrected and happy for it!

    Should have used BRAWNDO

    It has electrolytes. Plants crave them.

    Can't. Stop. Laughing.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    So what did you do?

    Unlike others in this forum, it takes awhile for me to get to know someone, so I won’t take myself off the market just after 3-4 dates. It really has to be more like 3-4 months- long enough for me to think I’m really seeing YOU not just the persona you want me to see. I’ve found that most guys are dating around, especially if you meet online. That said, I’m also not physically intimate with someone who is not committed to me, so I do not have any moral issues with multi-dating.

    If I’m getting to know someone, I don’t assume we’re exclusive until we talk about it. I’m also not likely to force the conversation unless he is taking up all of my weekends and some weeknights. The way I see it, if we are naturally growing closer he will eventually crowd out other men from my life and vice versa.

    This actually played out comically in my life with my current boyfriend because we were having a rather romantic weekend but when I was in the bathroom I discovered he was on Match. Then I thought I heard him tell someone I wasn’t his girlfriend. We had never had the “exclusive” talk, but we spent so much time together I was surprised. I immediately got back on match, set up a couple dates and that spurred “the talk.” Turns out there he had good explanations, I had to eat a little crow, and we agreed (after 3 months of dating) to be exclusive. That was 7 months ago.

    Hope things work out for you!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    The grass is always greener and so forth.

    The grass is always greener where you choose to water it.

    No amount of water will help if the seed was bad to begin with.

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!! I stand corrected and happy for it!

    Should have used BRAWNDO

    It has electrolytes. Plants crave them.

    Idiocracy ftw!!
  • BeinAwesome247
    BeinAwesome247 Posts: 257 Member
    Didn't even realize this was still going! Hahahaha

    OK - Man friend and I are taking things slow but steady?
    Does that make any sense?
    I like him and I'd like to see where it goes but I did get caught up for a minute thanks to friends and family and had to recenter myself and what I want and that it's ok to not rush things

    I tend to worry too much about what could go wrong instead of focusing on everything that's going right, right now so that's what I'm sticking to