The Weekly Male Stop (4/26/13 - 5/3/13)

OK, I'll jump in this week. Major accomplishments:

* flushing the brakes on the Harley, adding fresh DOT-4
* getting the lawn mowed during a rare dry spell in Seattle
* getting in some sort of exercise every day, including 20 miles of running
* losing 2.4 pounds

Not a bad week :smile:


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    WTG KingOfThe Burk!

    I had a good week all around...
    * Warrior Dash on Saturday
    * Two days of four mile beach walks and one day of a four mile neighborhood walk.
    * Two days of weight training (would have been three, but I left my key fob at home and couldn't access the Anytime Fitness here)

    I don't have my scale with me. But I am looking better and can now fit in my 36 jeans. I'll be back home next week and should be able to weigh in on Saturday or Sunday.
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Great job guys. I got back on track this week. 3 5-mile runs plus one night of solid calisthenics. Dropped 1.8 pounds. Now I just have to stop drinking wine with the wife!

    Scale victory: now I'm solidly into double-digits down (11 pounds). NSV: co-worker said "Dale, you're really looking svelte". (I'm still 60 pounds overweight so not exactly svelte, but apparently I'm looking better!). And I'm just about to toss one of my old belts that doesn't wrap tight enough any more.

    Let's keep up the progress and have another great week!

    SW: 266
    GW: 199
    CW: 254
  • CJDaniel7
    CJDaniel7 Posts: 149 Member
    Great to have this support, it's great.

    Past Week Success:
    * Reached a weight I have not achieved in 20 years
    * Have had several Blood sugar readings were within normal range
    * About Half Blood Pressure Readings were within range
    * Walked, Swam, Tennis, Rowed, Gym'd, Bowled (and didn't drink beer)

    Goal for this Week:
    * Down 2 pounds
    * Exercise 5 out of 7 Days
    * Blood Sugar Readings Under 100 5 of 7 Days
    * Blood Pressure Under 130 5 of 7 Days
    * Live Life on Purpose

    My eating is mostly good, but am weak on days that I don't get enough sleep and work is stressful. If I get my life more orderly, I will be less stressed. I need to calendar/plan my week, days, hours, and most importantly activity. I feel good about where I am going, and will drive forward. Thanks for this group, you guys are awesome.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    as for me... i seem to be a little better at controlling my appetite... the past month or two have been hard and I've been on an unrestrained gorge since Easter. I feel kind of under control again..
  • dad040859
    dad040859 Posts: 66
    Hey guys - sounds like everyone's had something positive happen for them, that's great! Gotta celebrate those small victories as well as the big ones...

    Today marks 21 straight days of at least 30 minutes of cardio after months of NOTHING...a little strength training here and there, a lot of yardwork. Working on getting the sodium under control, overall portion control, etc.

    Again, good to hear from everyone...and if you're out there reading these posts, maybe for the the first time, join us! No preaching, lectures, unsolicited advice or criticism. Great group...
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Hey guys. I spent last weekend out of town and ate/drank too much. Monday's damage assessment was not good. Fortunately, I lost most of it back and I ended up with about a 1 lb gain for the week. Of course yesterday wasn't a good one either. For my 15 year old's birthday, we went to a lunch buffet, then I went to a BBQ/Party for the PPV fights last night. Bad day for any diet. :drinker:

    I got some work in front of me for this week. I really want to see the scales read below 200. Probably a good 2 weeks away though.

    SW - 247
    CW - 203 (yesterday morning)
    GW - 185
  • cardinalsfootball
    cardinalsfootball Posts: 167 Member
    Had a pretty good week, got in about 13 miles of mountain hiking this weekend, but didn't do my pullups/pushups last week like I should have.

    Lost a couple more pounds on my weigh in Saturday. But Saturday was my birthday and I splurged for the first time since I started, and ended up with 2900 calories after an all you could eat prime rib and crab buffet with my family. But of course, I had burned over 1000 hiking, so I didn't feel too bad. Sunday I was better, but still high for me.

    This week, I'm back on track, staying disciplined. I'd really like to lose 10 lbs in May, and to do that I have to stay the course. Have a good week guys.
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Again, good to hear from everyone...and if you're out there reading these posts, maybe for the the first time, join us! No preaching, lectures, unsolicited advice or criticism. Great group...

    Man, you said it there! No judging, no preaching!

    Fellas, y'all did good this week. I'm looking forward to getting back with a lost this week. I actually didn't do as bad on Saturday as I thought and had a real good Sunday. It's all downhill from here. I'm feeling a bit cautiously optimistic for Friday's weigh-in.

  • thadius65
    thadius65 Posts: 36 Member
    Men tend to judge less.... ;o) (no women in here, so I can get away with that talk)

    So I am now in "maintain" mode. I was at 228lbs last weigh in and my goal is to stay "south of 235" as my long term plan. Any time I hit that high mark, I am going to kick back into full loss gear as the past 4 months. This is my test week and I am having trouble getting out of the good habits with very low calorie meals. I guess that is good, but trying to loosen up a bit. First week maintain weigh in will tell if this is gonna work. One thing I did do as part of my experiment week - increase beer intake two fold. Hope my science experiment works!

    Great job to all on the journey and good luck the remainder of the week!

  • alexfro
    alexfro Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys just checking in for the week. killed it at my work outs last week and gonna do it again this week. noticed i can get my 5 miles on the bike in quicker than normal now still at a high resistance. that and my weights i enjoy lifting. Not as hungry anymore for much like i used to. used to just eat and eat when ever i felt like it. now i watch what i eat for B/L/D. pretty much cut out soda all together which helps. soo if anyone has any words of encouragement or just anything let me know.

    SW 185
    CW 180
    GW 150
  • dad040859
    dad040859 Posts: 66
    Way to go, Alex! Just curious - have you (or anyone else) noticed any difference in your sleep pattern?
  • alexfro
    alexfro Posts: 3 Member
    I noticed i dont feel as tired when i wake up anymore i can just get up and go. but other than that im kinda an insomniac so its hard to fall asleep.
  • CJDaniel7
    CJDaniel7 Posts: 149 Member
    I have a hard time sleeping the last few years and I have taken ambien for a couple years. I feel like I am not needing as much before my activity level increased. I sometimes I wake so early I go to the gym before work. My goal is to be so active that I will sleep through the night without Ambien.
  • aburt57
    aburt57 Posts: 1 Member
    Started hitting the gym at 5:00 am before work. Haven;t done that in years and forgot how great I feel all day at work. I really like this group and the inspiration I receive from you guys helps me know that I can get to my goal weight of 220. I started at 312 with only my 8th month old daughter as motivation. Need to be around to see her experience life. A lot of people around me have weight issues and I hope doing this helps them realize they can do it too.

    Weekly Accomplishments:
    - Lost 7.5 pounds
    - Began hitting the gym at 5:00 am
    - Began to realize I can actually do this

    This weeks goals:
    - Get down into the 260's
    - Workout at least 5 times
    - Be a better person
    - Inspire someone to get healthy
  • dubikr
    dubikr Posts: 3 Member
    A new month, a new outlook. Kind of fell off the wagon after getting sick, but as of today, I'm back to tracking my food and exercising on the treadmill at least 5 days a week. Only three months to my daughter's wedding - hope to lose 20+ pounds by then.
  • dad040859
    dad040859 Posts: 66
    Great job, aburt57 and dubikr! Be sure to check out the May challenge on another thread in this group.

    As for sleeping, when I first started MFP and got off my *kitten* and back on the treadmill or trail, I had NO problem falling asleep, was even skipping the 2 a.m. trip to the watering hole (you guys over fifty know what I mean)...but lately, I've been waking up at 2 or 3 and unable to drop back off. 5 or 6 hours a night isn't healthy; I'm tired enough still that I'm out in 10 minutes, which I'm grateful for (used to lay in bed and watch the idiot box for at least an hour). Hope it straightens out pretty soon...
  • henryvg2
    henryvg2 Posts: 33 Member
    Having an ok week. Feeling real good about how I'm doing, even tho i know I could always do better. Slow and steady, back walking almost everyday and even doing some strength exercise.

    CW-249 (under that big weight on the scale!)
  • kobrien65
    kobrien65 Posts: 24 Member
    Was having an OK week until I saw my last weigh in creep above my goal plan line. Motivated my @$$ to stop relying on just my diet. Rode my bike (not my Harley) into work today. Felt great but have to get used to the routine of the night before making sure my backpack has all the essentials for the next day or I'll end up in meetings wearing biker shorts...not a pretty sight.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    WTG KingOfThe Burk!

    I had a good week all around...
    * Warrior Dash on Saturday
    * Two days of four mile beach walks and one day of a four mile neighborhood walk.
    * Two days of weight training (would have been three, but I left my key fob at home and couldn't access the Anytime Fitness here)

    I don't have my scale with me. But I am looking better and can now fit in my 36 jeans. I'll be back home next week and should be able to weigh in on Saturday or Sunday.

    Weighed in this morning and have dropped four pounds in the two weeks I was away. Not bad considering my trips included a couple of birthday parties and a business trip.

    HW 252
    SW: 236
    CW: 223.2
    GW: 190