New,at wits end,a little confused and VERY freaked out

Hi y'all!

I am new to this group and mfp, I am at my wits end trying to lose fat and get fitter!
I saw this group and I thought it might help since I've tried everything I can think of and just don't know what else to do. :(

A bit about me:
I'm an ex ballerina and also did other types of dance so I was very fit and in complete body control.
I got injured and had to stop, gained weight, then I moved to a new place and got a gym pass.
I went for three to four hours a day and ate not a lot and lost 16lbin two and a half months.
Following year I got stressed, put all the weight back on gradually and am now not happy at all.
I also managed to get diagnosed with b12 deficiency which, if I exercise too much and sometimes for no reason at all, makes me really unwell and exhausted...also makes it harder to lose weight!

I am in my 20s, 5'8, 77kg (170lbish) hourglass shape.
I am a singer/musician so I need a good amount of energy to sing.

So here's the thing.
I have read A LOT over the past year about health/nutrition/fitness and I joined this group also because the idea makes sense!

I am SO.SCARED of putting any more weight on by eating more. I don't think I could mentally handle any more weight.
I am off to USA in three months and was hoping to lose at least a stone before I got.
My eventual goal is 140lb maybe less..... And I used to be a 10-12 uk size but now am a 12-14 so I'd like to get back to that!

I calculated everything and my stats are:
BMR 1604-1610
TDEE(set to moderately active) 2487
TDEE(set to lightly active) 2206

At the moment while building up my fitness again, I am doing on average around 1hr Blogilates (mix Pilates/body weight some hiitworkouts) 5-6days a week (5 if I'm too sore!!) and walking around 30 mins a day, and have just started swapping that up with a couple of days 45 min intervals....gradually adding more in ask have asthma so it needs to ease in!

So myquestions are:
1: are those calculators correct enough to follow?
2: I am SO scared to eat more. I've set mfp to 1757 at the moment, and I am always hungry but scared to eat and don't feel like eating all the time. I feel like I'm constantly eating! With the calc set to "lose weight 15% cut) it says I should eat around 2113 kcals.
That just sounds like SO much! I struggle with getting enough calories through clean eating as it is.....always eating, always hungry! Does that sound like an accurate cut or will I put weight on?
3: am I overestimating my expenditure by putting moderately active in??
4: is there a way of eating more and NOT putting on weight to start with?
5: to eat back calories or not??

Sorry this is so long, I'm just.....arghhh, I need help so I really appreciate any comments given! :)



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you are concern about best estimates, use this. Stay on Simple Setup tab.

    Also, if you have been eating a lot less for awhile, increase slowly, not just to minimize impact of eating more mentally, but so you can also figure out where and how to put the calories.
    So as spreadsheet says, 100 or 200 more daily for a week. Add a snack perhaps.
    Add another 100 or 200 for another week. Increase a meal size.
    Another, increase another meal. ect

    The reason for the spreadsheet, you have may kept yourself at higher BF%, so with LBM, you actually do need to eat less if BMR is really less.