Post baby (sort of) and motivated (sort of)

I had my son about 7 months ago and I had been depending on bf-ing to help me lose weight and now that I'm done with that, it's coming back on so I was referred to myfitnesspal and what a wake up call!! Not only was I totally overeating my calories but I hadn't been exercising. So it's my first week and I know it's terrible of me to be expecting results, but I am. I've drastically changed my diet and have exercised every day since I started, yet nothing has changed. My MIL has been doing weight watchers and she started losing weight like crazy her first month; losing like 3 lbs the first week. WTH?! It's just so frustrating that I can stay the same heavier weight by eating whatever I want but if I'm limited to healthier foods, I still remain the same. Any advice? I am willing to continue doing this but its just upsetting :(


  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member

    I didn't lose a single pound the first 6 weeks.... once I started losing weight, they were coming off like crazy..
    maybe she is losing very fast because she is eating way too little (which is not healthy)
    look at this as a life change and not a diet because if you diet, you are going to gain all those pounds back

    hope that helps