"Newbie gains" and progression

chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
This is probably somewhere else. but I didn't know what to search for exactly.

I have a question about how much/how often you upped your weights. I am JUST starting this program (3 workouts in). But on Monday when I started (first time in the weight room ever.) I squatted 65 lbs and The last 2 reps were tough. I was pretty pleased with that. But on Friday when I did A2 I squatted 70lbs and I didn't struggle with them at all. So I know I should up it more next time. I'm also not NEARLY as sore today as I have been ALLL week! Today is the first day I didn't limp down the stairs. haha

Anyway, my question: Am I going to increase by more then 5lbs every time? For how long does that happen? Eventually It's going to be a lot harder, right? How fast/long did you up your weights when you started? Also, do you up it between sets? or between workouts? or maybe a little bit of both.


  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    I try to up the weight every workout. Sometimes it doesn't happen. Sometimes I know it's not going to happen in advance based on how well I could maintain form on the current weight so I make notes to myself on how difficult the weight felt. The amount of weight you increase from workout to workout isn't set in stone, but I feel that if you suddenly jump more than 10 pounds from what you did two days ago you probably didn't start heavy enough in the first place. If something is way too light I definitely switch in between sets. What is the point of doing more reps at a weight that is not challenging the body? If you discover it is too light you can also factor this into your warm-up set like the book talks about. Great job recognizing your progress!
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    I up them every work out. Don't be afraid to up by more than 5 lbs. I started squatting 75 and now (near the end of stage 1, about to do my first 8 rep workout) I think I most recently squatted 145.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I think consistent gains are pretty common in Stage 1 but not so much for the others (IMO). I'm almost done with Stage 4 and while I occasionally have gains it's def not every workout like in Stage 1. I still def feel like I'm getting stronger regardless of how often I up my weights:)

    I'll add more weight for different sets if I felt the first set was too light. I don't think you need to wait until the next workout to up it.