Plyometric Cardio Circuit

HOLY.CRAP is all I have to say! My arms are STILL shaking and I've been done for 10 minutes now. I couldn't even finish the whole workout. My legs were SOO weak and giving out on me. I also had to pause many times just to be able to catch my breath. Whew!!! I'm only gonna get stronger from here on out! Plyometrics Cardio Circuit DONE! Oh yeah, I also felt like puking a few times. Fun stuff!!! :)


  • MelindaClaire1
    MelindaClaire1 Posts: 7 Member
    Haha that's AWESOME! Good job; I don't think anyone else started yet. I am starting tomorrow. Hope your first week is going well. :0)
  • swaldron13
    swaldron13 Posts: 21 Member
    I did the fit test today and am ashamed of my results. I am not going to be discouraged though and just keep telling myself that that is why I am doing this- to improve. Tomorrow is day 2. I believe that is the cardio circuit.
  • MelissaOnPurpose
    MelissaOnPurpose Posts: 111 Member
    I did the fit test today and am ashamed of my results. I am not going to be discouraged though and just keep telling myself that that is why I am doing this- to improve. Tomorrow is day 2. I believe that is the cardio circuit.

    Oh girl! If you only KNEW how awful mine was!!! Just think though...Day 15 WILL show improvement. That's what the day 1 is for, right??? ;) Have fun tomorrow!!! And make sure you take extra time to stretch...Especially your calves! :)
  • swaldron13
    swaldron13 Posts: 21 Member
    lol. Yeh... my calves are killing me today. So ready for the stretching in today's workout. I'm on the 'recovery' day today :)
  • chickenroti
    chickenroti Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone, I have just done day 2... wow. I was sweating buckets! But I actually found it quite a lot of fun.

    Is everyone following the diet? I am not sure, I don't like anything he has on the menu really or the distrubution of calories. I guess it does not matter how you break down the calories so long as you are eating them... right? or wrong? It just seems like so much food! I have done Rosemary Conelly and she limits you to abou 1400kal, where are Shaun T says I should be eating about 1900... I can't get my head around it.
  • swaldron13
    swaldron13 Posts: 21 Member
    So.. I eat 5-6 small 'meals' a day. Basically about 200 calories per meal. So I eat about 1600 calories a day and then burn between 400 and 600 doing my daily Insanity workouts. As I am getting more into the workouts and going harder, I am finding that I need to eat a little more to perform well during exercise. I would say to try starting out somewhere between the 2 numbers you gave, so maybre 1600. Then just listen to your body, if you feel you need fuel, eat. Just be sure to eat healthily. As far as the menus, etc. I do not follow the menu. I do drink Shakeology every day for 'breakfast', but otherwise I do what I want. That being said, I do map out my meals to ensure that I am not getting too many carbs later in the day (since I work out in the mornings and am sedantary the rest of the day). I also make sure that I am getting the right ratio of carbs/fats/protein. Lastly, also make sure that I am refueling post workout. :) It's important not to get overwhelmed by the various things. So focus on your workout and eating clean. The calories, you can 'feel'. Healthy eating is more of an effort. :) GOOD LUCK. And let me know if you'd like to try the Shakeology (I'm a TBB Coach).
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Plyometric Cardio Circuit = a four letter word to me right now :sad: :cry:
  • kariandtc
    kariandtc Posts: 15 Member
    Just did my first Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout last night. I've limping all day. Couldn't do most of the push up routines.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    I know how you feel…had to modify to girl pushups just to get thru it.
  • MelissaOnPurpose
    MelissaOnPurpose Posts: 111 Member
    Okay, so I helped some family members move last week and didn't do Insanity at all...SO, I started over on Monday! :) Still not liking Plyo Circuit though. ;)