Official Week 5 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon April 29th)

Okay everyone!!!! Who is still with me!!!!???? Next week challenge will be a good one....So stay posted!!


  • Majal10
    Majal10 Posts: 79 Member
    Slack this week and the monthly visitor as well. I am not using it as excuses and be accountable and will just say I gave into the temptation of cravings . But like I say , just get back on track and keep going. good day everyone.
  • JO4IT
    JO4IT Posts: 79 Member
    I'm still here!

    Starting weight at MFP: 168.00
    Challenge Start weight: 158.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 143 (15 lbs)

    Week 1: 157.8
    Week 2: 156.4
    Week 3: 153.6
    Week 4: 153.8
    Week 5: 152.8

    Total lost this week: 1 pound
    Total lost for challenge: 5.6

  • lknockstead
    lknockstead Posts: 25 Member
    I can't find the link the spread sheet....can someone post it here?
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    starting 173.3
    1/4 ...... 166.8
    8/4 ...... 164,6
    15/4 .... 164.5 :( (but kids on holiday)
    22/4 .... 163.5
    29/4 ..... 162.6
  • Chejan
    Chejan Posts: 183 Member
    I had a really bad start (ultimate slacker), but I'm focused again and hope to continue to see results :smile: .

    Challenge Start Weight: 224.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 209

    Week 1: 225
    Week 2: 224.8
    Week 3: 224.8
    Week 4: 224.6
    Week 5: 223.4
  • sfgiants122
    sfgiants122 Posts: 13 Member
    Overall SW: 233.5
    Challenge SW: 204

    April 1: 202
    April 8: 202
    April 15: 202
    April 22: 200
    April 29: 196

    Challenge weight loss: 8 pounds :happy:

    Challenge Goal weight: 180
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
    SW MFP 165.3
    SW Challenge 164
    Week 1-163.5
    Week 2-163.5
    Week 3-160.9
    Week 4- 160.1
    Week 5- 158.1

    -2.0lbs this week. FINALLY I hit the 150s woooooh!!! Can't wait to hit the 140s..but you steps etc :wink: Keep up the good work everyone!

    GW Challenge 135
    UGW 125
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    I can't find the link the spread sheet....can someone post it here?
  • moniew24
    moniew24 Posts: 88 Member
    WK 1: 234.0
    WK 2: 234.6
    WK 3: 234.6
    WK 4: 234.2
    WK 5: 237.8

  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Weight this week 197, was down on Saturday but this morning I went back up a bit, definitally should not of had the McD's for lunch yesterday I am sure that did not help.
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    I had another great week! I lost 1.6 pounds. Woo Hoo! I am ecstatic about this!


    Starting weight for challenge: 181.8
    Week 1: 180.0
    Week 2: 179.0
    Week 3: 177.6
    Week 4: 176.4
    Week 5: 174.8

    Total loss so far: 7.0 lbs
  • McAmber84
    McAmber84 Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats to everyone who had a good week, or learned from a bad week.

    Me...I'm fighting the scale again, becoming too obsessed with that darn number. I'm thinking it's time to hide the scale, challenge or not. So, I think that for the next few weeks, I will log my weight as what this current week is, and maybe at challenge end, pull the scale out of hiding then. Just wanted to mention since I will (hopefully) have a huge loss that week. Didn't want it to look suspicious!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Edited to add: I didn't realize how long was left in the challenge! So in 2-3 weeks, I will start weighing in again!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    SW: 182
    Week 1: 182
    Week 2: 180
    Week 3: 180
    Week 4: 179
    Week 5: 179

    Total loss so far: 3lbs
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    Not such a good week. Up 5lbs, its about TOM and I didnt eat the greatest the end of last week and this weekend. But today it a new day, and I have determined I need a new scale as it should not jump 10lbs in a matter of getting off it and back on. Crazyness. I know it will throw my numbers off but so be it.
  • callmeLuna
    callmeLuna Posts: 42 Member
    I have a new starting has been at least 6 years since the scale began with a "1"! No turning back now :)

    SW (1/31/13) - 225
    Challenge SW (3/25/13) 208.4
    4/1 - 206.6
    4/8 - 205.8 (-0.8)
    4/15 - 202.8 (-3)
    4/22 - 201.4 (-1.4)
    4/29 - 199.6 (-1.8)

    Total loss so far: 8.8 lbs

    Keep up the great work, everyone!
  • A gain last week and no loss this week equals I have to get my butt moving!! Total loss for this challenge is still 6.2 lbs and I want to keep that momentum going!
  • jmmcs
    jmmcs Posts: 46 Member
    Challenge Start: 257.1
    Week 1: 256
    Week 2: 251.5
    Week 3: 249.3
    Week 4: 248
    Week 5: 246.5
  • I lost 5.4lbs this week, moving from 158.2 to 152.8!! Biggest weight loss in a single week thus far and bringing me closer to my goal of 150lbs by end of April/start of May! Also, I've lost 12.2lbs from my high of 165.
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    This week, I saw 179 for the first time in several years on my scale!

    Weigh in for today Monday : 179.6

    This was a great challenge for Spring into Summer!
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    Challenge Start - 304.5
    Week 1-299.3 (-5.2)
    Week 2-295.7 (-3.6)
    Week 3-291.4 (-4.3)
    Week 4-293.0 (+1.6)
    Week 5-292.4 (-.6)

    Loss during challenge: 12.1

    Well, a little disappointed in the results. It helps to remember that the scale isn't the only measure of success and be happy that my habits and effort were strong. It feels good to decide to live glass half full.....bahahahaha

    Congrats everyone, good luck and have a great week!