Hi Everyone :)

BackToFree Posts: 58 Member
I did pop in the other day and add my story to a thread, but I thought I'd start my own, as I'm on the hunt for motivated, motivating friends who will kick my bum if I slack and who are willing to help me through the first few weeks of this mission, as I find these are the hardest! In return I hope to serve as motivation for you, too. Or atleast give you someone to laugh at with my stories of exercise induced incidents (Like tripping on my dog leash and ending up in the lake at the park!)

So, I'll be 25 next month, I'm married, I've got 2 kids, I'm a SAHM and I study full time (BachEd). I weigh about 315lbs (I'm normally metric, so I may slip from lbs to kgs occassionally) and I want to lose about 145lbs. I started 'trying' to lose weight in 2008 on a VLCD and had little success. I've tried all manner of shakes, tonics, crazy strict diets etc since then with the same (lack of) results. I think my past experience has somewhat tarnished weightloss for me now, and I am terrified of not succeeding, which makes it hard for me to keep motivation up long enough for me to see results. I did lose 20lbs in 2 months last year through eating 2000 cals a day and walking for 45minutes 5 times a week. I put most of it back on over christmas, and have been all but stalled ever since.

I'm flying in August and wanted to be 44ish lbs (20kgs) down by then, but now I'm not sure I can make it while still eating a good amount of healthy cals. I'm going to give it my best shot, though!


  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    Welcome! Your story is not uncommon - as a matter of fact sounds much like my own. Up and down like a yo-yo. Congrats with your education I just finished my Masters in Teacher Leadership in Novemeber and am now applying for fulltime employment as an elementary teacher. I am also married and have 2 children but I am not 25 anymore lol. Enough about me (just wanted to show how similar we are).

    Starting something new is always like - here is another opportunity to fail. I get that and thought of this myself. However, I am choosing to not be on a diet anymore and make this my lifestyle change. Yes, it does include a bit of measuring and weighing especially when eating healthy foods but I consider this a visual test of learning portion control (let's face it, I didn't have it).

    Don't be terrified we (the group) will help you. That is why so many wonderful people signed on - because they need support! This is not going to be a group that stays active for 2 weeks and dies off. I will post everyday if I have to if it motivates just the reader. You got a friend in me and while the may seem like just 'words' right now I truly mean it. I need support as much as you. So start the journey and let's see you reach that goal. If you fall off the wagon, whatever, make a better choice and don't let it ruin the rest of your day or week. Just DO NOT STOP TRYING.

    Again welome to the group.
  • BackToFree
    BackToFree Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Tora :)

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, we do seem rather similar! I am just starting my 3rd year units as of the 29th May, so I've got a couple more years before graduation because I work all over the place and plan on taking some time off, but I plan on being a Primary teacher (5yo-12yo in Australia). I am scared, but one this is certain, I won't be giving up any time soon!