pac_ Posts: 57 Member
The last week ive noticed some odd weigh ins and wondered why I wasn't losing. I usually like to lose at least .5 to 1 lb at this stage in my cut and it just wasn't happening. yesterday I woke up looking very lean but the number on the scale did not add up. I decided to purchase a new scale and check this morning to see if my old scale was garbage. my old scale read 160lbs flat and the new scale read 158.6, I probably broke into the 150's last week but since my scale was bust I did not know. this was upseting cause I like to have refeeds when I hit new lows and I probably could have had one yesterday instead of today. I got very aggresive with my macros this past week due to the strange weigh ins which probably wasn't necessary but im not gonna stress it. I guess the leason here is MAKE SURE YOUR SCALE WORKS!!!!!!!!!!


  • __Karl__
    __Karl__ Posts: 45 Member
    Wow! Glad you shared. Hadn't thought about that.