no weight loss

ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
I am in mod ketones, averaging 1400-1600 cal with 20-40 gram of carbs daily. I am running 4 miles a day and i am stuck with no weight loss in a week. Is this normal? plus I has increased my water to almost a gallon a day starting yesterday.


  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Totally normal.

    For example, my scale only shows a loss of 1 pound since mid-March. My scale also shows a loss of 7 pounds of fat, and a gain of 6 pounds of muscle.

    Weight isn't the full story.

    You don't mention how long you've been on. Many people see an initial burst of loss, and then their body stabilizes for a period before they see more loss.

    More water is definitely a good thing.

    Keep calm and keto on.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Perfectly normal. I can go several weeks without losing weight and then lose 3-4 pounds in a couple of days. Your body will replace fat with water for a time. Then... woosh. Running will also cause your muscles to hold onto water in order to repair themselves.

    You don't have a lot of weight to lose so it will go slower. Make sure you are eating enough calories to support your running.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I'm changing my answer. Your diary is a little wonky. Are you recording everything? I think you are under-eating. One day has 1440 calories, with 1014 calories burned from exercise. Several days sub-1000 calories, with additional exercise. Carb % is 8-12%, with fat % sub 50% a couple of days (admittedly, fat % is a little better in the last couple of days). Your weekend in particular looked way off.

    Did you just start keto? Based on your diary, it looks like less than one week? I don't think your targets for fat, protein, and carbs are where they need to be for full on keto. And your calories seem low for how much you are exercising.
  • ellenkilpatrick
    ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
    my diary is pretty accurate and my intake varies.... i have been on the keto for 9 days i think... i was looking for that burst of weight loss with the expectation that it would level off and slow down.... but that initial big loss has not happened. With my log, I have not been logging the butter in the veggies, but everything else i think is on the money... what about my weekend looks funny to you? I really want to get it right...thanks for the help
  • ellenkilpatrick
    ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
    also.... what type of scale shows fat loss and muscle gain????
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I use a Withings Wi-Fi scale, but I think there are a few out there. It automatically synchs my data, and shows Lean Body Mass, Fat Mass (or fat %), as well as weight. And - there's an app for that!

    So, going through your diary, if I had to guess, I would have said you were only on keto 3 days (sunday - tuesday of this week).

    From Saturday back to last Monday, the HIGHEST fat % you have is 49%. This is really low for keto. Carbs are high here, as well, and protein is also high some days. 46% protein last Friday for example. The most recent 3 days are better, but those days have issues, in my opinion, with calories too low based on the exercise you are doing.

    Day c% f% p%
    Tuesday 8.67% 57.89% 28.44%
    Monday 12.99% 64.45% 26.64%
    Sunday 12.78% 59.38% 23.61%
    Saturday 10.05% 43.35% 33.51%
    Friday 9.53% 49.73% 46.80%
    Thursday 18.76% 49.03% 34.76%
    Wednesday 30.75% 26.22% 31.74%
    Tuesday 29.62% 20.86% 28.49%
    Monday 35.00% 27.75% 27.67%

    The base keto macros are 60% / 35% / 5% (fat, protein, carbs). Many of us target much higher fat %. I'm one that targets fat in the 70-75% range on a daily basis (lower fat% just didn't give me good results for weight loss and ketosis). You could be one of the lucky ones that gets good results at a lower fat%. That said, I'd still try to adjust your daily consumption so you are at minimum hitting that 60% fat, and keeping your carbs a little bit lower as well (more in the 5-10% range).

    Protein should be kept "moderate" as excess protein can convert to glucose in your body.

    Have you customized your macros to be more in line with the keto targets? This may help.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    You can be in ketosis even with a low fat percentage. It is really based on the amount of carbs consumed. However, eating at a higher fat percentage will keep you less hungry, more satisfied and just all around happier. It will also aid the weight loss.

    The initial big weight drop in low carb/keto is due to the elimination of water weight. If you were already dieting previous to starting keto and since you don't have a huge amount of weight to lose you would not get that big drop.

    You can also monitor your BMI by taking measurements and inputting them into a calculator. has a good calculator.
  • wwwdotcr
    wwwdotcr Posts: 128 Member
    Completely normal. Water weight is so large (the range i think is at least 5 lbs)... I would recommend a DEXA scan if you are really concerned about fat loss.

    Those scales are completely wrong. before I started Keto I was at 23.7% via DEXA but the scale says im 13.9%.

    Aka these scales have a very high margin of error. This is from an ozeri product that has an average rating of 4.5 out of 5. I think scale manufacturers artificially lower your BF on purpose.
  • ellenkilpatrick
    ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
    well today i am up 2 lbs, i am scared but i plan to continue....
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    well today i am up 2 lbs, i am scared but i plan to continue....
    Don't panic. You cannot gain 2 pounds of fat over night.

    Have you gone poo recently?
  • ellenkilpatrick
    ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
    yes and i screwed up and ate 54 grams protein for breakfask alone today wit hminimal fat and i am ketone neg again.. after being positive for several days... i guess a cesar salad is in order for lunch it has 50 plus fat grams!!!!
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    First, get your macros under control. develop a routine if you have to. It helps to have stuff premade so you don't panic and cheat. Try to keep your fat grams and proteins at or around a 1:1 ratio, and daily grams of net carbs under 20. Other than that, you're golden. If you really run 4 miles a day, you might even try eating more? I'm not a friend so I can't see your diary.
  • ellenkilpatrick
    ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
    I figured my protein was too high so I cut down and upped my fat intake with healthy fats and it seems that i am starting to break the stall. I might just be adjusting to the lifestyle and i have lost couple lbs after a gain of 2 lbs when i started....but I feel so good now I don't have the energy burst that i am reading about but I feel good.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
  • wwwdotcr
    wwwdotcr Posts: 128 Member
    Do not cut out protein if you are under 1 gm to 1 lb of LEAN body mass (aka body weight without the body fat). That is the number one reason why people stall is they are using their weight instead of their LBM weight, which is completely different.

    Seems like perhaps you're macros were too high to begin with. Congrats on the weight loss.
  • ellenkilpatrick
    ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
    thanks for all of the comments... i am trying to stay around 1600 calories and my fat at 75% i weight train and run... my fats are healthy and my carbs from veggies!!! I lost another pound but my clothes feel better in the morning and i am still loving my yummy foods that i have denied myself for so long!!!!! i will review my protein intake!1
  • ellenkilpatrick
    ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
    Oh i got my dexa scan as the dexa tech is a low carb person as well so we are suppoting each other... i will repeat my dexa after i lose 10 or 15 lbs to see a difference...i guess i am lucky to have a dexa scan down the hall from my office!!!!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Do not cut out protein if you are under 1 gm to 1 lb of LEAN body mass (aka body weight without the body fat). That is the number one reason why people stall is they are using their weight instead of their LBM weight, which is completely different.

    Seems like perhaps you're macros were too high to begin with. Congrats on the weight loss.

    So if my macros are set to where the number of grams of protein are below my LBM, I should bump up my protein and lower/raise my other macros? My LBM is currently 106, but the way my macros are currently set, I'm taking in 93g protein per day.

    What would be the effect of setting the macro at the GOAL lean body mass?

    Sorry if this is a "dumb" question, but I'm trying to understand the mechanics of how/why we need X amount of this or that on a daily basis.

  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Maybe you need to get rid of the scale. Or perhaps only weigh in once per month.

    You only have 25 pounds to lose so the scale is not going to register weight loss every single week. I have 30-40 pounds left to lose and I am going WEEKS without seeing a loss on the scale; however, my health continues to improve no matter what the number on the scale says.

    Personally, I don't think a keto lifestyle is very useful as only a temporary weight loss measure. However, as a permanent lifestyle change it rocks. Who cares how long it takes to get the weight off; it WILL go.
  • wwwdotcr
    wwwdotcr Posts: 128 Member
    I'd bump it up to 106 if you are lifting weights on top of your cardio, if not the difference is negligible and you should be fine. You don't want to be a skin and bones (although a lot of girls seem to do this and starve themselves). I use this calculator. Its pretty self explanatory.