Just started



  • Hey I'm new to all this and have just recently started insanity! First week done, and today is my rest day!! :) I really want to lose around 10lbs and tone up. I'm really a fussy eater, and have been trying to eat healthy and keep my protein intake high. I'm a bit unsure how many grams of fat, carbs and protein I need? And not sure when it says 40% protein 40% carbs and 20% fat! If anyone can help please!! Thank you

  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Hello all! I started Insanity yesterday. I did the fit test and the first workout. I'd love to have some fellow Insanity friends. Feel free to add me!

    Here's my first fit test results - hopefully to be greatly improved! :)
    Switch kicks: 61
    Power jacks: 53
    Power knees: 112
    Power jumps: 30
    Globe jumps: 7
    Suicide jumps: 15
    Push-up jacks: 20
    Low plank oblique: 60
    Great numbers!!